使用系统; 使用 System.Collections.Generic; 使用 System.Linq; 使用 System.Web; 使用 System.Web.UI; 使用使用System.Web.UI.WebControls; 使用使用System.Windows.Forms; 使用 System.Data.SqlClient; 使用 System.Data; 公共 部分 类 SuppliersMaster:System.Web .UI.页面 { 数据集ds; int i; 字符串查询; erp erp = 新 erp(); // 考虑到我在此类中创建了所有方法 受保护的 无效 txtSuplId_TextChanged(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { SqlDataReader dr = erp.select1(" selectsuppmstr" ,txtSuplId.Text.Trim()); 如果(dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { txtSuplId.Text = txtSuplId.Text.ToUpper(); txtSuplName.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_name" ].ToString(); txtAddress.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_address" ].ToString(); txtSuplCity.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_city" ].ToString(); txtPin.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_pin" ].ToString(); txtSuplCountry.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_country" ].ToString(); txtTel.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_telephone" ].ToString(); txtFax.Text =(字符串)dr [" supl_fax" ].ToString(); } } } 公共 无效 data() { txtSuplId.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].rows [i] [" supl_id" ].ToString(); txtSuplName.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].rows [i] [" 名称> ].ToString(); txtAddress.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows [i] [" 供应地址" ].ToString(); txtSuplCity.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows [i] [" supl_city" ].ToString(); txtPin.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].rows [i] [" supl_pin" ].ToString(); txtSuplCountry.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows [i] [" supl_country" ].ToString(); txtTel.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].rows [i] [" supl_telephone" ].ToString(); txtFax.Text = ds.Tables [ 0 ].rows [i] [" supl_fax" ].ToString(); } 受保护的 无效 btnFirst_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { ds = erp.fillds(" navigationitemmstr" ); // 存储过程 如果(ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows.Count> 0) { i = 0 ; 数据(); btnFirst.Focus(); } querystring [" id" ] = i; } 受保护的 无效 btnLast_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { ds = erp.fillds(" navigationitemmstr" ); // 存储过程 如果(ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows.Count > 0 ) { i = ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows.Count-1; 数据(); btnLast.Focus(); } } 受保护的 无效 btnPrev_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { ds = erp.fillds(" navigationitemmstr" ); // 存储过程 如果(request.querystring [" id" ]!== 为空) {i = request.querystring [" id" ].toString(); } 如果(i == ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows.Count-1 || i!= 0 ) { 如果(i!= 0 ) { 一世 - ; 数据(); btnPrev.Focus(); } querystring [" id" ] = i; } } 受保护的 无效 btnNext_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { 如果(request.querystring [" id" ]!== 为空) {i = request.querystring [" id" ].toString(); } ds = erp.fillds(" navigationitemmstr" ); // 存储过程 如果(i < ds.Tables [ 0 ].Rows.Count- 1 ) { i ++; 数据(); btnNext.Focus(); } querystring [" id" ] = i; } }
I have create a page that can navigate next previous first and last
Its working If i directly click on button
But if i want on text change of any particular record data will fill as i written but if i want to next of that record or previous of that record its not working so please any one can tell me how can i go next or previous record of particular record after my text change event called.....................
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; public partial class SuppliersMaster : System.Web.UI.Page { DataSet ds; int i; string query; erp erp = new erp(); //consider i hv created all methods in this class protected void txtSuplId_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataReader dr = erp.select1("selectsuppmstr", txtSuplId.Text.Trim()); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { txtSuplId.Text = txtSuplId.Text.ToUpper(); txtSuplName.Text = (string)dr["supl_name"].ToString(); txtAddress.Text = (string)dr["supl_address"].ToString(); txtSuplCity.Text = (string)dr["supl_city"].ToString(); txtPin.Text = (string)dr["supl_pin"].ToString(); txtSuplCountry.Text = (string)dr["supl_country"].ToString(); txtTel.Text = (string)dr["supl_telephone"].ToString(); txtFax.Text = (string)dr["supl_fax"].ToString(); } } } public void data() { txtSuplId.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_id"].ToString(); txtSuplName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_name"].ToString(); txtAddress.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_address"].ToString(); txtSuplCity.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_city"].ToString(); txtPin.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_pin"].ToString(); txtSuplCountry.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_country"].ToString(); txtTel.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_telephone"].ToString(); txtFax.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["supl_fax"].ToString(); } protected void btnFirst_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ds = erp.fillds("navigationitemmstr"); //store procedure if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count>0) { i = 0; data(); btnFirst.Focus(); } querystring["id"]=i; } protected void btnLast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ds = erp.fillds("navigationitemmstr"); //store procrdure if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { i = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1; data(); btnLast.Focus(); } } protected void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ds = erp.fillds("navigationitemmstr"); //store procedure if(request.querystring["id"]!=null) { i=request.querystring["id"].toString(); } if (i==ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count-1||i!=0) { if (i!=0) { i--; data(); btnPrev.Focus(); } querystring["id"]=i; } } protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(request.querystring["id"]!=null) { i=request.querystring["id"].toString(); } ds = erp.fillds("navigationitemmstr"); //store procedure if (i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1 ) { i++; data(); btnNext.Focus(); } querystring["id"]=i; } }
I have used querystring if their is another method please tell me
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