我创建了一个包含工作版本的 Plunker,它似乎工作正常:http://plnkr.co/edit/cL9RPB4otw57pORJqjvx?p=preview我做了什么:从模板属性中删除了多余的引号移除了 html5Mode,因为 Plunker 不支持它.比如:$scope.tabs = [{"heading": "标签 1",活动":真实,模板":tab1.html"},...I have trouble setting up a tabset with dynamic contents using ng-include.I tried unsuccessfully with ng-repeat :<tabset justified="true"> <tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" heading="{{ tab.heading }}" active="tab.active"> <div ng-include="tab.template"></div> </tab></tabset>Also, I tried without the ng-repeat :<tabset justified="true"> <tab heading="{{ tabs.1.heading }}" active="tabs.1.active"> <div ng-include="'partial/profile/template1.html'"></div> </tab> <tab heading="{{ tabs.2.heading }}" active="tabs.2.active"> <div ng-include="'partial/profile/template2.html'"></div> </tab> <tab heading="{{ tabs.3.heading }}" active="tabs.3.active"> <div ng-include="'partial/profile/template3.html'"></div> </tab> <tab heading="{{ tabs.4.heading }}" active="tabs.4.active"> <div ng-include="'partial/profile/template4.html'"></div> </tab> <tab heading="{{ tabs.5.heading }}" active="tabs.5.active"> <div ng-include="'partial/profile/template5.html'"></div> </tab></tabset>Yet, what I get is a blanck page, not responding and those errors : WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.and10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!FYI: the templates are mainly empty, the one not empty contain a basic table.How am I to make it work ? 解决方案 Looks like you had extra quotes when using ng-repeat. The extra quotes in ng-include="'x.html'" are only needed if it's used as an attribute.When specifying it as a variable in JavaScript, you set the scope variable in JavaScript as follows: $scope.someTemplateUrl = "x.html"; then set the attribute to ng-include="someTemplateUrl". Notice the value of the variable doesn't contain the single quotes.And the second version you should be doing tab[0].heading rather than tab.0.heading (and starting from 0 rather than 1).I've created a Plunker containing a working version and it seems to work correctly:http://plnkr.co/edit/cL9RPB4otw57pORJqjvx?p=previewWhat I did:removed the extra quotes from the template propertyremoved html5Mode because Plunker doesn't work with that.So something like:$scope.tabs = [ { "heading": "Tab 1", "active": true, "template":"tab1.html" }, ... 这篇关于Angular UI Bootstrap tabset + ng-include的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!