- 我有一个天蓝色的webjob(用于发送邮件),需要在我的Web应用程序中检查webjob的进度.
- 我正在使用SignalR与服务器上的客户端进行通信.
- 当我要发送电子邮件时,我在队列中推送一条消息,而天蓝色的webjob会完成他的工作.
The question is, how can I communicate the progress of the webjob to the client? Originally my idea was to push a message from the webjob, so the Hub could read it from the queue. Then, I would notify clients from the hub. However, I am not able to find a way to communicate the webjob and the hub, I do not know how to trigger an action in the hub when a message is pushed into the queue or in the service bus. That is to say, I dont know how to subscribe the hub to a certain message of the queue.
我完成此操作的方法是将webjob设置为SignalR客户端,通过SignalR将消息从webjob推送到服务器,然后中继这些消息到SignalR Web客户端.
The way that I have done it is to set up the webjob as a SignalR client, push messages via SignalR from the webjob to the server, then relay those messages to the SignalR web clients.
首先在您的Web作业上安装SignalR Web客户端(程序包ID为Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client).
Start by installing the SignalR web client (nuget package ID is Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client) on your webjob.
Then in your webjob, initialise your SignalR connection hub and send messages to the server, e.g.:
public class Functions
HubConnection _hub = new HubConnection("http://your.signalr.server");
var _proxy = hub.CreateHubProxy("EmailHub");
public async Task ProcessQueueMessageAsync([QueueTrigger("queue")] EmailDto message)
if (_hub.State == ConnectionState.Disconnected)
await _hub.Start();
await _proxy.Invoke("SendEmailProgress", message.Id, "complete");
Your SignalR server will receive these messages and can then relay them to the other SignalR clients, e.g.:
public class EmailHub : Hub
public void SendEmailProgress(int messageId, string status)
Clients.All.broadcastEmailStatus(messageId, status);