


 有两种方法可以调用在Firebase的JavaScript SDK中推送。使用 push(newObject),
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  1. 。这将生成一个新的推式ID,并将数据写入到具有该ID的位置。使用 push()

  2. $ C>。这将生成一个新的推式ID,并返回一个引用到该ID的位置。这是一个纯粹的客户端操作。

  3. 了解#2,您可以轻松得到一个新的推客户端客户端:

      var newKey = ref.push()。key(); 


    I need to create a new object with a generated key and update some other locations, and it should be atomic. Is there some way to do a push with a multi-location update, or do I have to use the old transaction method? This applies for any client platform, but here's an example in JavaScript.

    var newData = {};
    newData['/users/' + uid + '/last_update'] = Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
    newData['/notes/' + /* NEW KEY ??? */] = {
      user: uid,

    There are two ways to invoke push in Firebase's JavaScript SDK.

    1. using push(newObject). This will generate a new push id and write the data at the location with that id.

    2. using push(). This will generate a new push id and return a reference to the location with that id. This is a pure client-side operation.

    Knowing #2, you can easily get a new push id client-side with:

    var newKey = ref.push().key();

    You can then use this key in your multi-location update.


10-19 21:50