您的Java Swing Tool集中有哪些库/工具?
What libraries/tools do you have in your Java Swing Tool set?
- 布局管理器
- 包装商/安装商
- 书籍
- 等.....
- Layout Managers
- Packagers/Installers
- Books
- etc.....
- 框架:,没有多大作用,但确实是
演示文稿我去年做过) - JTables :处理表格通常是
痛苦(许多样板代码......); I
简化了工作(并带来了$ b) $ b很多改进) - :这是在
中提到的另一个答案 - LayoutManager :
(无耻插件,这是我的b $ b开源项目之一) - 外观和放大器;感觉:在某些你不喜欢的情况下,非常好
想要使用系统外观 - 停靠库:如果你的应用程序
- "Framework": Swing ApplicationFramework, does not do much, but doesit quite well (if you use it you maywant to take a look at onepresentation I did last year)
- JTables: handling tables is often apain (lots of boilerplate code...); Igenerally use GlazedLists whichsimplifies the work a lot (and bringsmany improvements)
- EventBus: this was mentioned inanother answer
- LayoutManager: DesignGridLayout(shameless plug, this is one of myopen source projects)
- Look & Feel: Substance is very goodin some situations where you don'twant to use the system look and feel
- Docking library: if your applicationneeds docking, you will find MyDoggyuseful (and it has a well-writtenAPI). One problem it has is a bad integration with some third-party look and feels (like Substance)
All these libraries above are open source.
除此之外,我还拥有自己的一组实用程序类,除其他外,还有助于将GUI与依赖注入库集成:我有一组用于容器的实用程序(针对少数知道它且仍在使用它的开发人员),以及另一个 - 准备工作,很快开源 - 用于。
In addition to that, I have my own set of utility classes that, among other things, help integrating the GUI with a Dependency Injection library: I have a set of utilities for HiveMind container (for the few developers that know it and still use it), and another -in preparation, soon open sourced- for Guice.
I have read no specific book about Swing development, but I have used Swing for about 10 years now (not continuously however). Hence I have no recommendation in terms of books (unfortunately, because I admit that this is one weak point of Swing).
"Filthy Rich Clients" book is useful only if:
- 你知道Swing well
- 你想建立花哨的GUI
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