本文介绍了除了正确处理:" getParameters失败(空参数)"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a camera app in the Google Play store with Google Analytics installed. I keep getting the following crash report:




Looking into the Android source of where it happens didn't give me any extra details. The error is thrown in android_hardware_Camera.cpp:

String8 params8 = camera->getParameters();
if (params8.isEmpty()) {
    jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "getParameters failed (empty parameters)");
    return 0;

展望开源的Andr​​oid摄像头,看看它是如何处理的情况也并不十分有益。这code不会出现在调用getParameters时赶上RuntimeException的。 (除了在一种情况下,他们抓住它,关闭相机,然后重新抛出)。

Looking into open source Android camera to see how it handles the situation was also not very helpful. That code doesn't appear to catch the RuntimeException when calling getParameters. (Except in one case where they catch it, close the camera, then rethrow it).



请注意:在任何一天我的5K - 8K活跃用户。这些异常的40-70之间的某处。这似乎的真正的高我。我知道有合法的情况下相机可能无法初始化。但1%的用户似乎不合理。此外,由于Android摄像头应用程序不处理异常它真的让我不知道是否有其他的一些根本原因。

Note:On any given day I have between 5k - 8k active users. With somewhere between 40-70 of these exceptions. That seems really high to me. I know there are legit instances where a camera may fail to initialize. But 1% of users seems unreasonable. Also, since the Android camera app doesn't handle the exception it really makes me wonder if there is some other root cause.



As +Eddy Talvala mentioned, this happens when the camera is in a bad state.



1) Probably the most common reason would be closing/releasing the camera while still using it afterward. This can be especially problematic if you are using the Camera object on multiple threads without synchronizing access to the Camera. Make sure you only ever have a single thread accessing the Camera at a time.


2) In my case it was a bit more tricky. I use a SurfaceTexture so that I can use the camera output as an OpenGL texture. In Android 4.0 (ICS), there is a new method SurfaceTexture.release(). This method is important to use when using SurfaceTextures as it cleans up the memory quicker than it previously did.


The problem is that I was calling SurfaceTexture.release() while the camera preview was still active. This was crashing the Camera service, which was caused the issue explained in the question.


In my case I fixed it by delaying the call to SurfaceTexture.release() until after I had replaced it with a new SurfaceTexture. This way I was certain the SurfaceTexture could be cleaned up without any bad side-effects.

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05-27 02:46