

我知道以下用于在SWT / Eclipse RCP应用程序中绘制图表的库:

I know the following libraries for drawing charts in an SWT/Eclipse RCP application:

  • (链接到有关如何使用它的文章)

  • Eclipse BIRT Chart Engine (Links to an article on how to use it)
  • JFreeChart


Which other libraries are there for drawing pretty charts with SWT? Or charts in Java generally? After all, you can always display an image...



I have not used BIRT or JGraph, however I use JFreeChart in my SWT application. I have found the best way to use JFreeChart in SWT is by making a composite an AWT frame and using the AWT functionality for JFreeChart. The way to do this is by creating a composite

Composite comp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE | SWT.EMBEDDED);
Frame frame = SWT_AWT.new_Frame(comp);
JFreeChart chart = createChart();
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);


There are several problems in regards to implementations across different platforms as well as the SWT code in it is very poor (in its defense Mr. Gilbert does not know SWT well and it is made for AWT). My two biggest problems are as AWT events bubble up through SWT there are some erroneous events fired and due to wrapping the AWT frame JFreeChart becomes substantially slower.


将图表放入网页的想法可能不是一个好办法。首先是Eclipse处理在不同平台上集成Web浏览器的一些问题是不一致的。另外,从我对网络的几个图形包的理解,他们是服务器端需要该设置,还有许多公司,包括我的使用代理服务器,有时这会产生Eclipse Web浏览的问题。

The idea of putting the chart into a web page is probably not a great way to go. There are a few problems first being how Eclipse handles integrating the web browser on different platforms is inconsistent. Also from my understanding of a few graphing packages for the web they are server side requiring that setup, also many companies including mine use proxy servers and sometimes this creates issues with the Eclipse web browsing.


06-19 15:16