I am new to interface builder and I would like to have a screen which contains a 3x3 grid of a UIView each of which contain a UIImageView, and 4 UILabels.
My logic is probably flawed but the way I am trying to achieve this was to:
- 在IB中使用imageView和4个标签创建一个UIView Nib文件MyUIView.nib并进行布局
- 创建一个名为MyUIView.m的UIView子类,其中包含1个IBOutlet UIImageView和4个IBOutlet UILabels.将MyUIView.nib和MyUIView.m链接为文件所有者并连接出口.
- 然后创建另一个笔尖MyGridViewController.nib,其中有9个MyUIView放置在3x3网格中.
- 创建一个具有9个IBOutlet MyUIView的UIViewController并通过Interface Builder将它们连接起来.
是否可以从InterfaceBuilder中以图形方式将一个笔尖加载到另一个笔尖中,如果可以,我该怎么做?是否将标准" UIView拖到画布上,然后将类更改为MyUIView?
Is it possible to load a nib into another nib graphically from within InterfaceBuilder, if so how do I do it? Do I drag a "standard" UIView onto the canvas and then change the class to be a MyUIView?
Or do I need to do this all programmatically within the MyGridViewController.m with something like:
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
NSArray* nibViews = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"MyUIView" owner:self options:nil];
[myViewArray addObject:[ nibViews objectAtIndex: 1]];
The only other way I have gotten this to work was to have a single Nib and put 9 UIImageViews and 36 UILabels but this obviously is a pain when I want to change something as I need to update each one of the 3x3 "cells". I thought it would be easier to change it in one file and all 9 would be updated.
您无法在Interface Builder中执行此操作.
You cannot do it in Interface Builder.
What I would probably do is to make a custom view, say MyGridItem, that loads MyUIView.nib as a subview when it awakes, and then use 9 of them in your MyGridView.nib.
请谨慎使用awakeFromNib,因为如果视图涉及两个不同笔尖的加载,则它可能会被调用两次(例如,如果MyGridItem是加载MyGridView.nib的所有者,那么MyGridItem awakeFromNib将在被调用时被调用一次)作为加载MyUIView.nib的一部分进行加载,并在加载MyGridView.nib时进行一次.
Be careful with awakeFromNib, as it can be called twice if the view is involved in the loading of two different nibs (eg, if MyGridItem is the owner when loading MyGridView.nib, then MyGridItem awakeFromNib will be called once when it is loaded as part of loading MyUIView.nib, and once when it loads the MyGridView.nib.
Also, since you're loading the nib 9 times, you may want to cache the nib once using
NSNib* theNib = [[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed:@"MyGridItem" bundle:nil];
if ( [theNib instantiateNibWithOwner:self topLevelObjects:NULL] ) {
You then may want to deallocate it after you've loaded all nine subviews.