是否有任何方法可以在 Android Studio
(或通过 ADB
)中获取Raspberry Pi 3 Model B的屏幕截图并带有吗? (也可以通过 Android Studio
Is there any way to get screenshot in Android Studio
(or via ADB
) for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with Android Things Developer Preview on it? (any other way not via Android Studio
also accepted).
It's not a "screenshot", but how about mp4 movie instead?
adb shell screenrecord --verbose /sdcard/screen.mp4 --time-limit 1
尽管录制的电影未正确录制,但仍像截屏。 (我无法使用QuickTime Player提取框架,但是其他任何工具都可以提取框架。)
Though the recorded movie is not correctly recorded, it's still like a "screenshot". (I cannot get a frame out of it using QuickTime Player, but any other tool might be able to extract it.)
It seems that AndtoidThings supports old limited OpenGL version that unsupports screenshots.
01-01 00:00:10.606: I/SurfaceFlinger(148): version : OpenGL ES-CM 1.0
01-22 02:07:02.687: E/libEGL(148): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
01-22 02:07:02.687: E/SurfaceFlinger(148): glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 0
01-22 02:07:02.687: E/SurfaceFlinger(148): got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
这篇关于如何在Android Studio中或通过ADB在Android Things设备上获取应用程序的屏幕截图?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!