

Elastic Search中有多个索引,想在所有索引中搜索数据,但是我们想对不同的索引应用不同的过滤器。

We have got multiple indices in Elastic Search and would like to search the data across all indices, but we want to apply different filters on different indices.


  • 很少有索引取决于 client_id ,因此需要client_id 过滤器

  • 我们在少数索引中具有 is_deleted 标志,因此 is_deleted 过滤器是必需的

  • few indices depends on client_id, hence a client_id filter is required
  • we have is_deleted flag in few indexes, hence is_deleted filter is required

在Elastic Search中应该如何处理?

How should one approach this in Elastic Search?


Also, we are using highlight feature, which is supposed to give suggestions to the users. But we would like to ignore certain fields in the highlighted results. Is it possible to exclude certain fields at global level?




This example illustrates the basic setup (notice how different filters are used):

 @results = elastic_client.search([:dogs, :cats], {
   :bool => {
     :should => [
       # cats
         :filtered => {
           :query => {
             :multi_match => {
               :query => 'meow', # repeated, replace with a variable
               :type => 'phrase_prefix',
               :fields => ['name', 'age']
           :filter => {
             :and => [
               { :term => { :owner_id => '123' } },
               { :type => { :value => 'cat' } }
       # dogs
         :filtered => {
           :query => {
             :multi_match => {
               :query => 'meow', # repeated, replace with a variable
               :type => 'phrase_prefix',
               :fields => ['name', 'color']
           :filter => {
             :and => [
               { :term => { :kennel_id => '456' } },
               { :type => { :value => 'dog' } }

此特定代码可能会或可能不会与您的ES客户端一起使用,但应该可以很好地理解这个概念。 / em>

This particular code may or may not work with your ES-client, but it should give a fairly good idea of the concept.

请注意,查询喵出现了两次,您可能想使用一个变量来在两者中搜索相同的事物索引。另外, multi_match 显然可以是其他类型的查询。

Note that the query "meow" occurs twice, and you may want to use a variable instead, to search for the same thing in the two indices. Also, multi_match could be some other type of query obviously.


08-04 00:29