在现代浏览器中,可以将大对象分配为 Blob
In modern browsers, it's possible to allocate a large object as a Blob
, then request access to it via a URL. This URL will serve the stored object (such as an image's data) elsewhere in the browser.
浏览器如何知道何时不再需要此URL以及相应的 Blob
How does the browser know when this URL is no longer needed, and the corresponding Blob
data is free to be garbage collected?
The browser will eventually clear up this resource, however it may be some while (hours or days) before it is removed from memory/disk.
如果你想明确地删除对象,你可以通过 revokeObjectURL
If you wish to explicitly remove the object, you may do so via revokeObjectURL
var blob = new Blob([/*JPEG data*/], {type: "image/jpeg"}),
url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL),
objectUrl = url.createObjectURL(blob);
// use the object URL, eg:
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function()
// release the object URL once the image has loaded
// trigger the image to load
image.src = objectURL;
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