

  var box = $('。box'),
fontSize = parseInt(box.css('font-size'),10)+ 5; ('click',function(){


// ..

  var box = $('。box'),
fontSize = parseFloat(box.css('font-size'),10)+ 5; ('click',function(){



<$ p (box.css('font-size'),10); **

** fontSize = parseFloat(box.css(' font-size'),10); **

以及为什么要把10作为上下文。 。





使用parseFloat( )是该字符串必须以十进制形式表示浮点数,而不是八进制或十六进制。此方法忽略前导零,因此八进制数字0908将被解析为908,十六进制数字0xA将返回NaN,因为x不是浮点数的有效字符。 parseFloat()也没有基数模式。

var box  = $('.box'),
fontSize = parseInt(box.css('font-size'), 10) + 5;

 $('button').on('click', function() {
  box.animate({fontSize: fontSize});


 var box  = $('.box'),
 fontSize = parseFloat(box.css('font-size'), 10) + 5;

  $('button').on('click', function() {
    box.animate({fontSize: fontSize})

what the difference between..

**fontSize = parseInt(box.css('font-size'), 10);**

**fontSize = parseFloat(box.css('font-size'), 10);**

and and why should put 10 as a context..Please Help?


Any number literal contained in a string is also converted correctly, so the string "0xA" is properly converted into the number 10. However, the string "22.5" will be converted to 22 , because the decimal point is an invalid character for an integer. Some examples:

The parseInt() method also has a radix mode, allowing you to convert strings in binary, octal, hexadecimal, or any other base into an integer. The radix is specified as a second argument to parseInt() , so a call to parse a hexadecimal value looks like this:

If decimal numbers contain a leading zero, it’s always best to specify the radix as 10 so that you won’t accidentally end up with an octal value. For example:

Another difference when using parseFloat() is that the string must represent a floating-point number in decimal form, not octal or hexadecimal. This method ignores leading zeros, so the octal number 0908 will be parsed into 908 , and the hexadecimal number 0xA will return NaN because x isn’t a valid character for a floating-point number. There is also no radix mode for parseFloat() .

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10-20 16:58