本文介绍了在 ruby​​ 中设置 system() 调用的输入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 net/sftp 下载文件并将其内容作为命令行应用程序的标准输入传递.我可以先将文件写入磁盘,但我宁愿避免这一步.

I'm trying to download a file using net/sftp and pass its contents as the stdin for a command-line app. I can do it by first writing the file to disk but I'd rather avoid that step.

有没有办法控制在 ruby​​ 中使用 system() 调用的程序的输入?

Is there any way to control the input to a program invoked with system() in ruby?


不要使用 system 对于这类事情,system 最适合运行您不需要与之交谈的外部命令.

Don't use system at all for this sort of thing, system is best for running an external command that you don't need to talk to.

使用 Open3.open3Open3.open2 向外部进程打开一些管道,然后像写入任何其他 IO 通道一样写入 stdin 管道;如果有任何输出需要处理,那么您可以直接从 stdout 管道中读取它,就像从任何其他输入 IO 通道读取一样.

Use Open3.open3 or Open3.open2 to open up some pipes to your external process then write to the stdin pipe just like writing to any other IO channel; if there is any output to deal with, then you can read it straight from the stdout pipe just like reading from any other input IO channel.

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09-05 16:48