


I'm making a game where there should be a robot throwing ball-shaped objects at another robot.


The balls thrown should fly in the shape of a symmetrical arc. Pretty sure the math-word for this is a parabola.


Both robots are on the x axis.


How can I implement such a thing in my game? I tried different approaches, none worked.

当前在游戏中移动事物的系统如下:每个对象都有 x y 坐标(变量)和 dx dy 变量.

The current system of moving things in my game, is like so: Every object has x and y co-ordinates (variables), and dx and dy variables.

每个对象都有一个 move()方法,该方法在游戏循环的每个周期都被调用.只需将 dx 添加到 x ,将 dy 添加到 y .

Every object has a move() method, that get's called every cycle of the game-loop. It simply adds dx to x and dy to y.


How can I implement what I described, into this system?


If there is a lot of math involved, please try to explain in a simply way, because I'm not great with math.





速度是一个向量,这意味着它表示导弹在x轴上移动的速度以及在y轴上移动的速度.现在,不要使用 Move(),而是使用 Update()之类的东西.像这样:

Velocity is a vector, which means it says how fast the missile moves in x-axis and how fast in y-axis. Now, instead of using Move() use something like Update(). Something like this:

void Update()
    position.X += velocity.X;
    position.Y += velocity.Y;


Now let's think, what happens to the missile, once it is shot:

开始时它具有一定的启动速度.例如,有人以x方向1 m/s和y方向-0.5 m/s的速度射击导弹.然后,当它归档时,导弹将被拉到地面-它的Y速度将朝着地面增长.

In the beginning it has some start velocity. For example somebody shot the missile with speed of 1 m/s in x, and -0.5 m/s in y. Then as it files, the missile will be pulled to the ground - it's Y velocity will be growing towards ground.

void Update()
    velocity.Y += gravity;

    position.X += velocity.X;
    position.Y += velocity.Y;


This will make your missile move accordingly to physics (excluding air resistance) and will generate a nice-looking parabola.


You might ask how to calculate the initial velocity. Let's assume we have a given angle of shot (between line of shot and the ground), and the initial speed (we may know how fast the missiles after the shot are, just don't know the X and Y values). Then:

velocity.X = cos(angle) * speed;
velocity.Y = sin(angle) * speed;


09-05 13:28