我有一个脚本从YouTube下载mp4文件。它的作用是生成形式的链接* VIDEO_ID *&& t = * THE_TOKEN * =& fmt = 18& asv = 2,但不再工作(今天注意到)。你怎么看?不要尝试使用get_video来获取视频,请尝试解析fmt_url_map(format-url map)
您应该可以在找到令牌的同一个地方找到fmt_url_map(如在YouTube Flash视频播放器的Flashvars或YouTube页面的某个地方) )。如果您找不到,请发送 VIDEO_ID ,您应该获得一个非常长的结果,格式为 name = value& name = value& ...
在此结果中查找fmt_url_map(搜索结果为& fmt_url_map =开头的字符串,并以&结尾)。
22 | http://blah.youtube.com/videoplayback?blah,
35 | http://blah.youtube.com/videoplayback?blah,
其中每个逗号分隔的条目以fmt值开头(示例中为22或35),后跟一个管道字符,然后是URL,您可以使用该URL下载该格式的视频。 (该URL是特定于客户端的,因此,由于YouTube检查IP,因此特定客户端的URL很可能不会与另一个客户端一起使用。此外,URL会在一段时间后到期。)
I have a script that downloads mp4 files from youtube. What it does is to generate link of the form http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=*VIDEO_ID*&&t=*THE_TOKEN*=&fmt=18&asv=2, but it doesn't work anymore (noticed it today). What do you think?
Instead of trying to use get_video to get the video, try parsing fmt_url_map (format-url map) instead.
You should be able to find the fmt_url_map in the same place you found the token (like in the flashvars of the YouTube flash video player or inside the YouTube page somewhere). If you can't find it, send a request to http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=VIDEO_ID and you should get a really long result that is in the format of name=value&name=value&...
Find "fmt_url_map" inside this result (search through the result for a string that starts with "&fmt_url_map=" and ends with "&").
After you get this value (you may have to url-decode it), it will be something like (without the line breaks):
where each comma-separated entry starts with the fmt value (22 or 35 in the example), followed by a pipe character, which is then followed by the URL where you can use to download the video in that format. (This URL is client-specific, so a URL for a certain client most likely won't work with another client due to YouTube checking IPs. Also, the URLs do expire after a while.)
For a list of the different fmt values, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube#Quality_and_formats and show the "Comarison of YouTube media encoding options". NOTE: not all formats may be available for all videos.