


I have a route that goes to a calculator. The person might hit calculate and the screen shows the result. Which is fine. They then may go up to the navbar and click the same calculator again, by that I mean they are clicking the same route. I would like to screen to re-route so they are in essence starting over, refreshing the screen. Of course the route does not change nor does the screen change because they are on the same route. Is there some way to force the route to re-load or refresh. I have several different routes with different components that need this. So if I need to write code to handle them all I would like it to be in a service and not in the component. Preferably I would like it when I am setting up the routes.


Angular 5 的一个很酷的特性就是能够在需要时重新加载/刷新同一页面.你只需要在你的配置中设置它

One of the cool features of Angular 5 is precisely the ability to reload/refresh the same page in case you want it. You just need to set it on your configuration

providers: [
  // ...
  RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload'

它是所谓的路由器 ExtraOptions 的一部分.如果您需要更多详细信息,可以在此处查看文档

It’s part of what’s called ExtraOptions for router.You can check the documentation here if you need more details


08-25 23:26