在类似iPhone/iPad/Android的触摸设备上,可能很难用手指按下一个小按钮.据我所知,没有跨浏览器的方法可以通过CSS媒体查询来检测触摸设备.因此,我检查浏览器是否支持Javascript触摸事件. . 更新:这是Chrome中的错误,因此现在JavaScript检测可以再次使用.
On a touch device like iPhone/iPad/Android it can be difficult to hit a small button with your finger. There is no cross-browser way to detect touch devices with CSS media queries that I know of. So I check if the browser has support for Javascript touch events. . Update: It was a bug in Chrome, so now the JavaScript detection works again.
function isTouchDevice() {
return "ontouchstart" in window;
The problem is that this only tests if the browser has support for touch events, not the device.
有人知道The Correct [tm]为触摸设备提供更好的用户体验的方法吗?除了嗅探用户代理.
Does anyone know of The Correct[tm] way of giving touch devices better user experience? Other than sniffing user agent.
Mozilla对触摸设备有媒体查询.但是我没有在任何其他浏览器中看到过类似的东西: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/CSS/Media_queries #-moz-touch-enabled
Mozilla has a media query for touch devices. But I haven't seen anything like it in any other browser:https://developer.mozilla.org/En/CSS/Media_queries#-moz-touch-enabled
更新:我想避免为移动/触摸设备使用单独的页面/站点.该解决方案必须使用对象检测或来自JavaScript的类似检测来检测触摸设备,或者包括自定义的触摸CSS,而无需用户代理嗅探! 我问的主要原因是要确保在今天无法联系css3工作组之前.因此,如果您不能遵循问题中的要求,请不要回答;)
Update: I want to avoid using a separate page/site for mobile/touch devices. The solution has to detect touch devices with object detection or similar from JavaScript, or include a custom touch-CSS without user agent sniffing! The main reason I asked, was to make sure it's not possible today, before I contact the css3 working group. So please don't answer if you can't follow the requirements in the question ;)
It sounds to me like you want to have a touch-screen-friendly option, to cover the following scenarios:
- 类似iPhone的设备:小屏幕,仅触摸
- 小屏幕,无触摸(您没有提及这一点)
- 大屏幕,无触摸(即传统计算机)
- 启用触摸屏的大屏幕,例如iPad,带触摸屏的笔记本/电脑.
For case 1 and 2 you will probably need a separate site or a CSS file that eliminates lots of unnecessary content and makes things larger and easier to read/navigate. If you care about case #2 then as long as the links/buttons on the page are keyboard-navigable then case 1 and 2 are equivalent.
For case 3 you have your normal website. For case 4 it sounds like you want clickable things to be bigger or easier to touch. If it's not possible to simply make everything bigger for all users, an alternate style-sheet can provide you with the touch-friendly layout changes.
The easiest thing to do is provide a link to the touch-screen-version of the site somewhere on the page. For well-known touch devices such as iPad you can sniff the user agent and set the touch stylesheet as the default. However I'd consider making this the default for everyone; if your design looks good on the iPad it should look acceptably good on any notebook. Your mouse users with less-than-stellar clicking skills will be pleased to find bigger click targets, especially if you add appropriate :hover
or mouseover
effects to let users know that things are clickable.
I know you said you don't want to sniff user-agents. But I'd contend that at this time the state of browser support for this is in too much flux to worry about the "Correct" way to do it. Browsers will eventually provide the information that you need, but you will probably find that it will be years before this information is ubiquitous.