我在一个应用程序中使用ASP.NET MVC 1.0工作,我试图注入一个自定义IPrincipal对象到HttpContext.Current.User对象。
如果(HttpContext.Current.User!= NULL)
FormsIdentity ID =(FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
的FormsAuthenticationTicket票= id.Ticket;
SiteUser siteUser =新SiteUser(Convert.ToInt32(id.Name)); HttpContext.Current.User = siteUser;
} }
不管怎样,我的问题是,与ASP.NET MVC的Application_AuthenticateRequest似乎火,只要任何请求时(因此对于JS文件,图像等),这会导致应用程序死掉。
任何帮助或建议,我怎么可以去ASP.NET MVC 1.0之内注入我的自定义的IPrincipal到HttpContext.Current.User对象将大大AP preciated。我没有看到所以下面的职位,但它似乎并没有满足我想要实现:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064271/asp-net-mvc-set-custom-iidentity-or-iprincipal
This isn't an uniquely MVC problem - if you ran your application on IIS7 with the integrated pipeline in place then you would see the same thing.
If the problem with the lookup is scalability then I assume the actual problem is within
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
SiteUser siteUser = new SiteUser(Convert.ToInt32(id.Name));
I'd guess that your SiteUser class does some sort of database lookup. If you examine how forms auth works the ticket contains all the information necessary to produce a FormsIdentity (this doesn't hold true for roles, unless you specifically enable roles caching to a cookie). So you ought to look at the same approach. The first time you construct your siteUser object cache it within a signed cookie, then use the cookie to rehydrate your SiteUser properties on subsequent requests.
If you do this then you can go one step further, replacing the Thread principle with your SiteUser, or at least a custom IPrincipal/IUser combination which has the same information as your SiteUser class would have.
So inside AuthenticateRequest you'd have some flow like
SiteUserSecurityToken sessionToken = null;
if (TryReadSiteUserSecurityToken(ref sessionToken) && sessionToken != null)
// Call functions to attach my principal.
if (HttpContext.Current.User != null &&
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated &&
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity is FormsIdentity)
// Get my SiteUser object
// Create SiteUserSecurityToken
// Call functions to attach my principal.
And the function to attach the principal would contain something like
HttpContext.Current.User = sessionSecurityToken.ClaimsPrincipal;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = sessionSecurityToken.ClaimsPrincipal;
this.ContextSessionSecurityToken = sessionSecurityToken;
You'll want to make sure that the functions which write the Security Token to a cookie add, at a minimum, a checksum/MAC value, and, if you like, support encryption using the machine key if it's configured to do so. The read functions should validate these values.
这篇关于ASP.NET MVC自定义的IPrincipal注入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!