

我一直在编写 if 这样的语句:

Ive been writing my if statements like this:

if(variable1 === 1){}
if(variable2 > 10){}
if(variable3 == "a"){}


But I remember reading somewhere (unfortunately I cant find that page anymore), that if statements are better off written like this:

if(1 === variable1){}
if(10 < variable2){}
if("a" == variable3){}


Where you put the variable on the right hand side of the expression.


Is this correct? And, if so, can anyone shed any light on why this is correct? Also, does this apply to all programming languages, or just javascript?



1 === variable1 与用Yoda表示法编写的表达式 variable1 === 1 相同**:在左侧列出常数,在右侧列出变量。

1 === variable1 is same as the expression variable1 === 1 written in Yoda notation**: constant listed on left hand side, variable on the right hand side.

一些程序员选择使用它的主要原因是为了避免写入的常见错误 if(a = 1)程序员实际意味着 if(a == 1) if(a === 1)。以下代码行将起作用但不是预期的( a 被分配一个值而如果块将始终被执行):

The main reason why some programmers choose to use it is to avoid the common mistake of writing if (a = 1) where the programmer actually meant if (a == 1) or if (a === 1). The following line of code will work but not as expected (a is assigned a value and if block will always get executed):

if (a = 1) {}


The same expression written the other way round will generate a syntax (or compile) error:

if (1 = a) {}


The programmer can immediately spot the error and fix it.


I do not like or use the Yoda notation. I try to keep my eyes open while coding.


** I am unable to find out the origin of this term.


08-19 16:13