我试图找出一个 Powershell 命令,它可以让我捕获插入计算机的唯一 USB 驱动器的驱动器号,然后能够像这样调用该变量:
I am trying to figure out a Powershell command that would allow me to capture the drive letter of the only USB drive plugged into the computer, and then be able to recall that variable like this:
dir %usbdrive%
我使用这个命令来显示唯一的 USB 驱动器的统计信息:
I have used this command to show the stats of the only USB drive:
Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType='2'"
But how can I either store the drive letter in a variable or just change the drive letter to a completely different letter like "T"?
获取驱动器号的最简单方法是深入到DriveLetter"属性.这是一个 [String],因此您可以使用 Substring 方法仅提取第一个字符,如下所示:
Easiest way to get to the drive letter, is to drill down to the "DriveLetter" property.This is a [String] so you can use the Substring method to extract just the first character like this:
$USBDrive = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType='2'").DriveLetter.Substring(0,1)
注意:这仅在您只有一个 USB 驱动器时才有效.在现实生活中,您应该始终检查:
Note: This will only work if you have exactly one USB drive. In real life you should always check:
$USBDrives = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType='2'"
if ($USBDrives -is [system.array]){
$USBDrive = $USBDrives[0].DriveLetter.Substring(0,1)
$USBDrive = $USBDrives.DriveLetter.Substring(0,1)
要回答问题的第二部分,您可以使用 Set-WmiInstance 命令更改 USB 驱动器的驱动器号(和其他属性).
To answer the second part of your question, you can change the drive letter (and other properties) of your USB drive using Set-WmiInstance command.
$USBDrives = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType='2'"
if ($USBDrives -is [system.array]){
$USBDriveLetter = $USBDrives[0].DriveLetter
$USBDriveLetter = $USBDrives.DriveLetter
$USBDrive = Get-WmiObject win32_volume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$USBDriveLetter'"
Set-WmiInstance -InputObject $USBDrive -Arguments @{DriveLetter = "F:";Label = "Test"}
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