I have written VBA code that copies a filtered table from one spreadsheet to another. This is the code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub LeadingRetailers()
Dim rngRows As Range
Set rngRows = Worksheets("StoreDatabase").Range("B5:N584")
With rngRows
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _
End With
Sheets("Leading Retailers").Activate
End Sub
The filter is applied before the code is ran and then the code selects the visible cells and copies them so as to get only those rows that passed the filter.
In the filtered table to be copied I have, in column L of the range, a certain set of names, some of which are repeated in several rows.
I would like to add to the code so that it only copies one row per name in column L. In other words, I would like the code to copy only the first row for each of the names that appears in Column L of the filtered table.
Pehaps something like this can help you. Code will loop through your rows (5 to 584). First it checks if row is hidden. If not, will check if the value in column "L" is already in the Dictionary. If it is not, it will do two things: copy the row to Destination Sheet, and add the value to the Dictionary.
Option Explicit
Public Sub LeadingRetailers()
Dim d As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
i = 2 'first row of pasting (in "LeadingRetailersAUX")
For k = 5 To 584
If Not (Worksheets("StoreDatabase").Rows(k).RowHeight = 0) Then 'if not hidden
If Not d.Exists(Worksheets("Hoja1").Cells(k, 12).Value) Then 'if not in Dictionary
d.Add Worksheets("StoreDatabase").Cells(k, 12).Value, i 'Add it
Worksheets("LeadingRetailersAUX").Cells(i, 2).EntireRow.Value = Worksheets("StoreDatabase").Cells(k, 1).EntireRow.Value
i = i + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
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