

我正在编写一个RMarkdown 文档,我想在其中重新运行一些代码( 5至9).无需再次显示这些块,因此我考虑使用

I'm writing an RMarkdown document in which I'd like to re-run some chunks (5 to 9).There's no need to display these chunks again, so I considered using

```{r echo=FALSE}


to make the rerun chunks invisible, as described in another stackoverflow question. This is fine, and outputs the desired results (improved fit of second iteration - see this solution implemented here).


In an ideal world, however, the code would be expandable so the user could see exactly what's going on if they want to for educational purposes and clarity (e.g. see link to Greasemonkey solution here) rather than hidden as in my second rpubs example. The solution may look something like this, but with a shorter surrounding box to avoid distraction:

for (i in 1:nrow(all.msim)){ # Loop creating aggregate values (to be repeated later)
  USd.agg[i,]   <- colSums(USd.cat * weights0[,i])

for (j in 1:nrow(all.msim)){
weights1[which(USd$age <= 30),j] <- all.msim[j,1] /USd.agg[j,1]
weights1[which(USd$age >= 31 & USd$age <= 50),j] <- all.msim[j,2] /USd.agg[j,2]
weights1[which(USd$age >= 51),j] <- all.msim[j,3] /USd.agg[j,3] ##
# Aggregate the results for each zone
for (i in 1:nrow(all.msim)){
  USd.agg1[i,]   <- colSums(USd.cat * weights0[,i] * weights1[,i])
# Test results
for (j in 1:nrow(all.msim)){
weights2[which(USd$sex == "m"),j] <- all.msim[j,4] /USd.agg1[j,4]
weights2[which(USd$sex == "f"),j] <- all.msim[j,5] /USd.agg1[j,5]

for (i in 1:nrow(all.msim)){
USd.agg2[i,]   <- colSums(USd.cat * weights0[,i] * weights1[,i] * weights2[,i])

for (j in 1:nrow(all.msim)){
weights3[which(USd$mode == "bicycle"),j] <- all.msim[j,6] /USd.agg2[j,6]
weights3[which(USd$mode == "bus"),j] <- all.msim[j,7] /USd.agg2[j,7]
weights3[which(USd$mode == "car.d"),j] <- all.msim[j,8] /USd.agg2[j,8]
weights3[which(USd$mode == "car.p"),j] <- all.msim[j,9] /USd.agg2[j,9]
weights3[which(USd$mode == "walk"),j] <- all.msim[j,10] /USd.agg2[j,10]
weights4 <- weights0 * weights1 * weights2 * weights3
for (i in 1:nrow(all.msim)){
USd.agg3[i,]   <- colSums(USd.cat * weights4[,i])
# Test results
plot(as.vector(as.matrix(all.msim)), as.vector(as.matrix(USd.agg3)),
     xlab = "Constraints", ylab = "Model output")
abline(a=0, b=1)
cor(as.vector(as.matrix(all.msim)), as.vector(as.matrix(USd.agg3)))
#rowSums(USd.agg3[,1:3]) # The total population modelled for each zone, constraint 1


I'm happy with the echo=F solution, but would be even happier with an expandable code snippet one.



使用 rmarkdown可以使此操作变得更加容易 软件包,该软件包三年前不存在.基本上,您只需要打开代码折叠"即可: http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html #code_folding .您不再需要编写任何JavaScript.

This has been made much easier with the rmarkdown package, which did not exist three years ago. Basically you just turn on "code folding": http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#code_folding. You no longer have to write any JavaScript.


title: "Habits"
    code_folding: hide


07-29 17:17