

我希望能够在Mac上运行Windows Docker容器,似乎使用Docker Toolbox可以支持这种操作如何在osx上运行docker windows容器?/a>

I want to be able to run Windows Docker Containers on my Mac, it seems this was sort of supported using Docker ToolboxHow can I run a docker windows container on osx?

但是似乎现在已不建议使用,我们现在应该使用Docker Desktop.

But it seems that this is now deprecated and we should be using Docker Desktop now.

Docker Desktop有了一个更好的新Hypervisor,称为​​HyperKit,而不是Virtual Box https ://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/docker-toolbox/

Docker Desktop has a better and New Hypervisor called HyperKit instead of Virtual Box https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/docker-toolbox/


Docker toolbox allowed starting Windows Containers using VirtualBox, so not sure if that mean's that this is still possible?

在这里 https://www.clearpeople.com/insights/blog/2018/june/sitecore-demo-in-a-docker-container


But I cannot find anywhere to enable this, any help or insight would be very much appreciated.


Docker仅在Linux机器上本地运行,因为它需要称为名称空间和控制组的Linux内核功能. Docker容器是从缩减的Linux发行版中构建的.

Docker only runs natively on Linux machines because it needs Linux kernel features called namespaces and control groups. Docker containers are built from cut down Linux distributions.

在OS X和Windows上运行Docker的原始解决方案是Docker Toolkit.这实际上是在VirtualBox虚拟机管理程序中运行的Linux虚拟机.该VM已安装Docker并且可以运行容器.

The original solution to running Docker on OS X and Windows was Docker Toolkit. This was actually a Linux virtual machine running in the VirtualBox Hypervisor. The VM had Docker installed and could run containers.

适用于Mac的Docker桌面仍然使用在HyperKit Hypervisor中运行Linux的虚拟机.该虚拟机是轻量级的,可以有效地对用户隐藏.

Docker Desktop for Mac still makes use of a virtual machine running Linux running in the HyperKit Hypervisor. This virtual machine is lightweight and effectively hidden from the user.

类似于Windows的Docker桌面利用了在Hyper-V Hypervisor中运行的虚拟机.它还可以运行Windows容器.

Likewise Docker Desktop for Windows makes use of a virtual machine running in the Hyper-V Hypervisor. It can also run Windows containers.

要运行Windows容器,您需要有一台运行Docker的Windows机器. Windows计算机可以是在Mac或Linux计算机上运行的虚拟机.

To run Windows containers you need to have a Windows machine running Docker. The Windows machine can be virtual machine running on a Mac or Linux machine.


08-04 11:10