


I was looking for an RDF project for django and I cant find any active.

这似乎是一个很好的一个,但最后一次提交是在2008年(4年前) )。 Google群组似乎被放弃了。最后一个垃圾邮件是在2008年。

This seems to be a good one http://code.google.com/p/django-rdf, but the last commit was in 2008, (4 years ago). The group in google-groups seems to be abandoned. Last no-spam post was in 2008.Therefore it has no support for new django versions.


Is there any library or some prebuilt open source app to easily expose rdf data?


Maybe is easy to solve, like writing a view and returning something using https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib in one or two lines of code, but I can't figure it out how to do it...


The idea using RDFlib would be to take a django object or collection of objects and transform it to rdf in some way, maybe using an rdf parser.

我以为如果客户端请求accept:text / html和RDF,如果用户使用rdf + xml或rdf + turtle的html accept标头请求同一页面,我可以给出html响应(并且它可能存在一个处理我的应用程序)

I thought I could give html responses if the client request "accept:text/html", and RDF if the user requested the same page using a html accept header with rdf+xml or rdf+turtle (and it could exist an app that handles that for me)



From what little I've read of RDF you are probably going to have to do manual work to get meaningful RDF statements from Django models since it's not a simple data representation format like JSON, it is trying to encode semantic meaning.

那就是说,看看django- rdflib:

There doesn't seem to be any documentation (and it seems to have been built for a specific app) but the author has posted here about a manage.py syncvb command that generates an RDF graph from existing Django models:

不知道django-rdflib提供了什么视图,但是如果可以为您创建一个RDFlib图形,那么您可以使用RDFlib提供的序列化插件来输出rdf + xml或从您自己的视图。

Not sure exactly what views django-rdflib provides, but if it can make an RDFlib graph for you then you can probably use the serialization plugins provided by RDFlib to output rdf+xml or whatever from your own view.


10-24 16:30