我正在使用 NSToolbar 并尝试将颜色更改为白色而不是默认的灰色.我该怎么办?
I'm using a NSToolbar and I'm trying to change the color to a white instead of the default gray. How can I accomplish that?
Since the toolbar integrates into the window title bar, you need to draw both the title bar and the toolbar. Which basically means you need to take over drawing for the entire window.
This requires "swizzling" which, while it works well, is not supported by Apple and therefore may get your app rejected from the app store.
Basically you need to inject your own code into the NSWindow class, by using objective-c runtime functions to modify the class definition. Note that this will affect all windows in your app, so you will need to have an if statement checking if this is a window you want to modify.
子类NSWindow,并在 + initialize
方法中,找到框架视图"(frame view).该类是完成大部分窗口绘制的类,并将其重命名为"drawRect:"."originalDrawRect:"方法.然后,您定义一个新的"drawRect:".类上的method,作为NSWindow子类中方法的副本.此方法应首先调用originalDrawRect,然后在其之上进行自定义绘制.
Subclass NSWindow, and in the +initialize
method, find the "frame view" class which is the one that does most of the window drawing, and rename it's "drawRect:" method to "originalDrawRect:". Then you define a new "drawRect:" method on the class, as a duplicate of a method in your NSWindow subclass. This method should first call originalDrawRect and then do custom drawing on top of it.
注意:您将在窗口标题文本的顶部绘图...因此需要将绘图模式更改为 kCGBlendModeColor
Note: you will be drawing over the top of the window title text... so'll need to change the the drawing mode to kCGBlendModeColor
or something. Or else just draw the title string again. You can ask the window where the title text should be drawn.
这里是全文,其中包含更多详细信息: http://parmanoir.com/Custom_NSThemeFrame
Here's a full article with more details: http://parmanoir.com/Custom_NSThemeFrame