

适用于实体框架,扩展方法选择()的OrderBy()都返回一个的ObjectQuery ,其定义为:

Applied to entity framework, the extension methods Select() and OrderBy() both return an ObjectQuery, which is defined as:

public class ObjectQuery<T> : ObjectQuery, IOrderedQueryable<T>,
    IQueryable<T>, <... more interfaces>

的返回类型选择()的IQueryable< T> 和的排序依据 IOrderedQueryable< T> 。所以,你可以说,这两个返回相同的类型,但在不同的包装。幸运的是这样,因为现在我们可以应用 ThenBy 排序依据被调用。

The return type of Select() is IQueryable<T> and that of OrderBy is IOrderedQueryable<T>. So you could say that both return the same type but in a different wrapper. Luckily so, because now we can apply ThenBy after OrderBy was called.



var query = context.Plots.Where(p => p.TrialId == 21);

这给了我一个的IQueryable<情节> ,这是一个的ObjectQuery<情节> 。但是,这也是一个IOrderedQueryable:

This gives me an IQueryable<Plot>, which is an ObjectQuery<Plot>. But it is also an IOrderedQueryable:

var b = query is IOrderedQueryable<Plot>; // True!


But still:

var query2 = query.ThenBy(p => p.Number); // Does not compile.
// 'IQueryable<Plot>' does not contain a definition for 'ThenBy'
// and no extension method 'ThenBy' ....


var query2 = ((IOrderedQueryable<Plot>)query).ThenBy(p => p.Number);


It compiles, but gives a runtime exception:

类型的表达式 IQueryable`1 [剧情] '不能用于类型参数'IOrderedQueryable` 1 [剧情] '方法'​​ IOrderedQueryable`1 [剧情] ThenBy [剧情,Nullable`1](IOrderedQueryable`1 [剧情],Expressions.Expression`1 [系统.Func`2 [剧情,System.Nullable`1 [System.Int32]]])

演员进行(我检查),但参数 ThenBy 仍被视为IQueryable的(这让我为难了一下)。

The cast is carried out (I checked), but the parameter of ThenBy is still seen as IQueryable (which puzzles me a bit).

现在想一些方法返回一个的ObjectQuery<情节> 我为的IQueryable<情节> (如选择())。如果我想知道它是否是安全的,叫 ThenBy 返回的对象。我怎样才能弄清楚,如果的ObjectQuery 是真或假 IOrderedQueryable 没有赶上产生的异常?

Now suppose some method returns an ObjectQuery<Plot> to me as IQueryable<Plot> (like Select()). What if I want to know whether it is safe to call ThenBy on the returned object. How can I figure it out if the ObjectQuery is "real" or a "fake" IOrderedQueryable without catching exeptions?


表达式树是真的好开心! (也许我是一个怪物一点点),如果的是什么去了! =)

Expression Trees are genuinely good fun! (or perhaps I'm a little bit of a freak) and will likely become useful in many a developer's future if Project Roslyn is anything to go by! =)

在您的情况下,简单的继承MSDN的的,并覆盖 VisitMethodCall 法的东西继承类比较 m.MethodInfo SortBy (即如果你不强求只需检查名称,如果你想成为挑剔的使用反射来抢实际SortBy的MethodInfo与比较。

In your case, simple inherit from MSDN's ExpressionVisitor, and override the VisitMethodCall method in an inheriting class with something to compare m.MethodInfo with SortBy (i.e. if you're not too fussy simply check the name, if you want to be fussy use reflection to grab the actual SortBy MethodInfo to compare with.

让我知道如果/您所需要的例子,但说实话,复制后/粘贴你可能需要没有ExpressionVisitor超过10行的非表达树码; - )

Let me know if/what you need examples of, but honestly, after copy/pasting the ExpressionVisitor you'll probably need no more than 10 lines of non-expression-tree code ;-)



08-20 10:28