I looked around hard but didn't find a satisfactory answer to this. Maybe I'm missing something. Please help.
We have a Spark streaming application consuming a Kafka topic, which needs to ensure end-to-end processing before advancing Kafka offsets, e.g. updating a database. This is much like building transaction support within the streaming system, and guaranteeing that each message is processed (transformed) and, more importantly, output.
我已阅读有关Kafka DirectStreams的信息.它说,要在DirectStreaming模式下进行可靠的故障恢复,应启用Spark检查点,该检查点存储偏移量和检查点.但是偏移量管理是在内部完成的(设置Kafka配置参数,例如["auto.offset.reset", "auto.commit.enable", "auto.offset.interval.ms"
I have read about Kafka DirectStreams. It says that for robust failure-recovery in DirectStreaming mode, Spark checkpointing should be enabled, which stores the offsets along with the checkpoints. But the offset management is done internally (setting Kafka config params like ["auto.offset.reset", "auto.commit.enable", "auto.offset.interval.ms"
]). It does not speak of how (or if) we can customize committing offsets (once we've loaded a database, for e.g.). In other words, can we set "auto.commit.enable"
to false and manage the offsets (not unlike a DB connection) ourselves?
Any guidance/help is greatly appreciated.
The article below could be a good start to understand the approach.
The article suggests using zookeeper client directly, which can be replaced by something like KafkaSimpleConsumer also. The advantage of using Zookeper/KafkaSimpleConsumer is the monitoring tools that depend on Zookeper saved offset. Also the information can also be saved on HDFS or any other reliable service.
这篇关于如何在Spark Kafka直接流中手动提交偏移量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!