


I'm trying to get last executed command from command line from a script to be saved for a later reference:


# echo "Hello World!!!"
> Hello World!!!
# my_script.sh
> echo "Hello World!!!"



fc -nl -1 | sed -n 1p

现在您在这里使用kshfc注意到,它是一个内置命令,如果正确理解,则应由任何POSIX兼容shell来实现. [我知道此功能是交互式的,再次调用相同的fc会产生不同的结果,但这不是要讨论的问题.

Now as you notices using here ksh and fc is a built in command which if understood correctly should be implemented by any POSIX compatible shells. [I understand that this feature is interactive and that calling same fc again will give different result but this is not the concern do discuss about]


Above works so far so good only if my_script.sh is being called from the shell which is as well ksh, or if calling from bash and changing 1st line of script as #!/bin/bash then it works too and it doesn't if shells are different.


I would like to know if there is any good way to achieve above without being constrained by the shell your script is called from. I understand that fc is a built in command and it works per shell thus most probably my approach is not good at all from what I want to achieve. Any better suggestions?



I actually attempted this, but it cannot be done between different shells consistently.

fc -l`,是用于显示$ SHELL历史记录的POSIX标准命令,实现细节可能有所不同.

Whilefc -l`,is the POSIX standard command for showing $SHELL history, implementation details may be different.

至少 bash ksh93 都将报告上一条命令,

At least bash and ksh93 both will report the last command with

fc -n -l -1 -1


However, POSIX does not guarantee that shell history will be carried over to a new instance of the shell, as this requires the presence of a $HISTFILE. If none ispresent, the shell may default to $HOME/.sh_history.


However, this history file or Command History List is not portable between different shells.

POSIX Shell的描述命令历史记录列表说:

The POSIX Shell description of theCommand History List says:



What this means is that for your script needs to know which shell wrote that history.

我尝试使用$SHELL -c 'fc -nl -1 -1',但是当$ SHELL指向bash时,这似乎不起作用.从bash调用ksh -c ...确实有效.

I tried to use $SHELL -c 'fc -nl -1 -1', but this did not appear to work when $SHELL refers to bash. Calling ksh -c ... from bash actually worked.


The only way I could get this to work is by creating a function.

last_command() { (fc -n -l -1 -1); }

在ksh bash中,这将产生预期的结果.此函数的变体可用于将结果写入其他位置.但是,只要调用它,它就会中断来自与当前流程不同的流程.

In both ksh and bash, this will give the expected result. Variations of this function can be used to write the result elsewhere. However, it will break whenever it's calledfrom a different process than the current.


The best you can do is to create these functions and source them into yourinteractive shell.


08-03 23:35