


I'm receiving PCM data trough socket connection in packets containing 320 samples. Sample rate of sound is 8000 samples per second. I am doing with it something like this:

int size = 160 * 2;//160;
int isinverse = 1;
kiss_fft_scalar zero;
kiss_fft_cpx fft_in[size];
kiss_fft_cpx fft_out[size];
kiss_fft_cpx fft_reconstructed[size];

kiss_fftr_cfg fft = kiss_fftr_alloc(size*2 ,0 ,0,0);
kiss_fftr_cfg ifft = kiss_fftr_alloc(size*2,isinverse,0,0);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    fft_in[i].r = zero;
    fft_in[i].i = zero;
    fft_out[i].r = zero;
    fft_out[i].i = zero;
    fft_reconstructed[i].r = zero;
    fft_reconstructed[i].i = zero;

// got my data through socket connection

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     // samples are type of short
     fft_in[i].r = samples[i];
     fft_in[i].i = zero;
     fft_out[i].r = zero;
     fft_out[i].i = zero;

 kiss_fftr(fft, (kiss_fft_scalar*) fft_in, fft_out);
 kiss_fftri(ifft, fft_out, (kiss_fft_scalar*)fft_reconstructed);

 // lets normalize samples
 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     short* samples = (short*) bufTmp1;
     samples[i] = rint(fft_reconstructed[i].r/(size*2));

在我填写的OpenAL缓冲区并播放它们。一切工作得很好,但我想这样做 kiss_fftr kiss_fftri 之间的音频的一些过滤。出发点,我认为这是声音从时域转换到频域,但我真的不明白我从 kiss_fftr 函数接收什么样的数据。什么样的信息存储在每个那些复数,是什么它真正的部和虚部能告诉我有关的频率。我不知道哪个频率覆盖(什么频率范围)的 fft_out - 哪些索引对应于频率

After that I fill OpenAL buffers and play them. Everything works just fine but I would like to do some filtering of audio between kiss_fftr and kiss_fftri. Starting point as I think for this is to convert sound from time domain to frequency domain, but I don't really understand what kind of data I'm receiving from kiss_fftr function. What information is stored in each of those complex number, what its real and imaginary part can tell me about frequency. And I don't know which frequencies are covered (what frequency span) in fft_out - which indexes corresponds to which frequencies.


I am total newbie in signal processing and Fourier transform topics.




Before you jump in with both feet into a C implementation, get familiar with digital filters, esp FIR filters.


You can design the FIR filter using something like GNU Octave's signal toolbox. Look at the command fir1(the simplest), firls, or remez. Alternately, you might be able to design a FIR filter through a web page. A quick web search for "online fir filter design" found this (I have not used it, but it appears to use the equiripple design used in the remez or firpm command )

尝试用直接卷积(不含FFT)算法实现第一次过滤器,看看速度是可以接受的 - 这是一个更容易的路径。如果你需要一个基于FFT的方法,还有在kissfft /工具/ kiss_fastfir.c文件的一个样本实现重叠保留。

Try implementing your filter first with a direct convolution (without FFTs) and see if the speed is acceptable -- that is an easier path. If you need an FFT-based approach, there is a sample implementation of overlap-save in the kissfft/tools/kiss_fastfir.c file.


08-03 22:02