


I am new to LateX. I know how to remove the section number by using \section*{heading} instead of \section{heading}.But when I display the section heading in the Table of Contents , it does not print the section number. I want the section number to be displayed before "Introduction to Project" and "Introduction to company" in the Table of Contents shown below.


titlesec 软件包对修改您的章节标题非常有用.一个重要的命令是\titleformat,它在手册的第4页上进行了描述.该命令如下所示:

The titlesec package is very useful to modify your chapter and section titles. An important command is \titleformat, which is described on page 4 of the manual. The command looks like this:


在这里,我们要更改\section命令,即<command>\section.<shape>设置是可选的-我们将保留默认值.在<format>中,我们定义标题的格式. \section的默认值为\normalfont\Large\bfseries,因此我们将其设置为该值.如果要更改外观,可以在此处进行.现在,有趣的部分:<label>是节号-我们不想打印它,因此我们将该字段留空. <sep>是标签和标题之间的分隔符,如果没有标签,则应为零.最后,使用<before-code><after-code>,我们可以添加应该在打印标题之前或之后运行的任何代码.我们也不需要.因此,我们的命令是:

here, we want to change the \section command, i.e. <command> is \section.The <shape> setting is optional - we'll just leave the default value. In <format>, we define how the title shall be formatted. The default for \section is \normalfont\Large\bfseries, so we'll set it to that. If you want to change the appearance, you can do that here. Now, the interesting part: the <label> is the section number - we don't want to print it, so we'll lave that field empty. The <sep> is the separation between label and title, which should be zero if we don't have a label. Finally, with <before-code> and <after-code> we can add any code which should be run before or after printing the title. We don't need that either. So, our command is:



Here, a demonstration of that:





\section{Introduction to Company}
This is the company.

\section{Introduction to Project}
My project is very nice.



07-29 18:30