

我想学习如何使用jupyter笔记本中的嵌入式后端为matplotlib配置默认值.具体来说,我想将默认的'figure.figsize'设置为[7.5,5.0],而不是默认的[6.0,4.0].我在配备matplotlib 1.4.3的Mac上使用jupyter notebook 1.1.

I'd like to learn how to configure the defaults for matplotlib using the inline backend in jupyter notebook. Specifically, I'd like to set default 'figure.figsize’ to [7.5, 5.0] instead of the default [6.0, 4.0]. I’m using jupyter notebook 1.1 on a Mac with matplotlib 1.4.3.


In the notebook, using the macosx backend, my matplotlibrc file is shown to be in the standard location, and figsize is set as specified in matplotlibrc:

In [1]: %matplotlib
Using matplotlib backend: MacOSX

In [2]: mpl.matplotlib_fname()
Out[2]: u'/Users/scott/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc'

In [3]: matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
Out[3]:[7.5, 5.0]


However, when I use the inline backend, figsize is set differently:

In [1]: %matplotlib inline

In [2]: mpl.matplotlib_fname()
Out[2]: u'/Users/scott/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc'

In [3]: matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
Out[3]:[6.0, 4.0]


In my notebook config file, ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py, I also added the line

c.InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.figsize': (7.5, 5.0) }


but this had no effect either. For now I’m stuck adding this line in every notebook:

matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']=[7.5, 5.0]


Is there any way to set the default for the inline backend?


Jupyter/IPython的划分令人困惑. Jupyter是内核的前端,其中IPython是事实上的Python内核.您正在尝试更改与matplotlib相关的内容,这仅在IPython内核的范围内才有意义.在~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py中对matplotlib进行更改将适用于可能没有任何意义的 all 内核(在运行不使用matplotlib的Ruby/R/Bash/etc.内核的情况下).因此,您的c.InlineBackend.rc设置需要输入IPython内核的设置.

The Jupyter/IPython split is confusing. Jupyter is the front end to kernels, of which IPython is the defacto Python kernel. You are trying to change something related to matplotlib and this only makes sense within the scope of the IPython kernel. Making a change to matplotlib in ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py would apply to all kernels which may not make sense (in the case of running a Ruby/R/Bash/etc. kernel which doesn't use matplotlib). Therefore, your c.InlineBackend.rc setting needs to go in the settings for the IPython kernel.

编辑文件~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_kernel_config.py并添加到底部:c.InlineBackend.rc = { }.

Edit the file ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_kernel_config.py and add to the bottom: c.InlineBackend.rc = { }.

由于c.InlineBackend.rc指定matplotlib配置 overrides ,因此空白命令告诉IPython内核不要覆盖任何.matplotlibrc设置.

Since c.InlineBackend.rc specifies matplotlib config overrides, the blank dict tells the IPython kernel not to override any of your .matplotlibrc settings.

如果文件不存在,请运行ipython profile create来创建它.

If the file doesn't exist, run ipython profile create to create it.


07-29 18:16