I've been working on a game for a few months now, and have suddenly encountered a problem.
从昨天开始,我一直得到一个 NoClassDefFound
Since yesterday, I have been getting a NoClassDefFound
error. There have been no code changes at all. It was working at night, and wasn't in the morning. No change at all. Here is the exact stacktrace:
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): Blue Boy fatal error : com.appaholics.blueboy.BlueBoy
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.appaholics.blueboy.BlueBoy
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at com.appaholics.blueboy.LoadingScreen.loadTextures(LoadingScreen.java:125)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at com.appaholics.blueboy.LoadingScreen.load(LoadingScreen.java:85)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at com.appaholics.blueboy.LoadingScreen.onCreate(LoadingScreen.java:40)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:4465)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1049)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1920)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1981)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:123)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1147)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4424)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:784)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:551)
06-23 23:12:19.746: E/ACRA(29146): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
The method in which the exception occurs:
private void loadTextures() {
BlueBoy.sTextures = new HashMap<String,TextureRegion>();
BlueBoy.sTiledTextures = new HashMap<String,TiledTextureRegion>();
BlueBoy.sTextureHolders = new ArrayList<Texture>();
BlueBoy.sHitVoiceSounds = new Sound[4];
BlueBoy.sHitSounds = new Sound[4];
BlueBoy.sWinSounds = new Sound[8];
BlueBoy.sLoseSounds = new Sound[4];
Texture texture;
BufferObjectManager.setActiveInstance(new BufferObjectManager());
不过,类BlueBoy肯定存在。要绝对保证,我已经采取措施来反编译自己的应用程序的 classes.dex
。我已反编译无论是在的apk本身同时使的apk生成与所述一个。类是在两人面前present。这也是present在 /斌/班/ COM / appaholics / blueboy /
However, the class BlueBoy definitely exists. To make absolutely sure, I have taken to decompiling my own app's classes.dex
. I have decompiled both the one generated while making the .apk and the on in the .apk itself. The class is present in both of them. It is also present in /bin/classes/com/appaholics/blueboy/
. When decompiled, I can see the full source of the class, as it should be.
I have tried everything I could think of and find on the net to fix it. I have:
- 完成它创建一个干净
- 从源头在Eclipse中创建一个新的项目
- 创建一个新的项目,并手动换档一切,它
- 试过重命名类
- 试过重命名包
- 试图通过命令行编译它
- 尝试过在命令行中在清洁
All of the other projects in the workspace work fine.
其他类,如闪屏和装载的屏幕,在它面前BlueBoy做工精细的启动。 Android版可以找到他们。
Other classes like the splash screen and loading screen, which are launched before BlueBoy work fine. Android can find them.
Does anybody have any idea as to why this would happen? The class is exists as surely as I exist, but Android disagrees.
As per duffymo's suggestion, I check the class path for the existence of this class by adding the following to my splash screen:
try {
Class.forName("com.appaholics.blueboy.BlueBoy", false, null);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
Log.d("ClassCheck", "Not found.");
I get the Not Found
message in the LogCat. Now that we know that the class isn't there in the classpath, how do I fix it? The class is in the same package as the splash screen and loading class, and both of those are present. What could cause this one class to not be there, and how could I fix it?
EDIT2:FWIW, System.getProperties(java.class.path);
FWIW, System.getProperties("java.class.path");
returns ".
I've managed to fix it. These are the exact steps I took:
- 手动复制所有的内容到一个新的项目。不要使用该选项从现有源创建项目。
- 转到项目属性,并从构建路径中删除的android.jar。
- 保存
- 回手动添加罐子,确保这是同一版本的Android和以前一样。
It should work now. I tried the above steps on both the original project and one which I created from it's source, and they didn't work.
我不知道如何或为什么它的工作原理,但我知道它。 FWIW,我使用ADT 18日,SDK工具19和平台工具11。
I don't know how or why it works, but I know it does. FWIW, I'm using ADT 18, with SDK tools 19 and platform tools 11.