

我有一个 datetime 对象数组,我想找出数组中哪个元素最接近给定日期(例如 datetime.datetime(2014,12,16))

I have an array of datetime objects, and I would like to find which element in the array is the closest to a given date (e.g datetime.datetime(2014,12,16))


This post shows how to find the nearest date which is not before the given date. How can I alter this code so that it can return dates that are before a given date?

例如,如果数组包含元素 datetime.datetime(2014,12,10)datetime.datetime(2014,12,28),则前一项应该返回,因为它的绝对值最接近 datetime.datetime(2014,12,16).

For example, if the array housed elements datetime.datetime(2014,12,10) and datetime.datetime(2014,12,28), the former item should be returned because it is closest to datetime.datetime(2014,12,16) in absolute value.



This function will return the datetime in items which is the closest to the date pivot.

def nearest(items, pivot):
    return min(items, key=lambda x: abs(x - pivot))

如果该类型支持比较、减法和 abs,则此函数适用于除 datetime 以外的其他类型,例如:数字和向量类型.

The good part this function works on types other than datetime too out of the box, if the type supports comparison, subtraction and abs, e.g.: numbers and vector types.


07-28 06:10