


I want to make a wave warp effect like this:


But I can only create the normal sine wave.


precision mediump float;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
uniform sampler2D s_baseMap;

vec2 SineWave( vec2 p ){
    float pi = 3.14159;
    float A = 0.15;
    float w = 10.0 * pi;
    float t = 30.0*pi/180.0;
    float y = sin( w*p.x + t) * A;
    return vec2(p.x, p.y+y); 
void main(){
    vec2 p = v_texCoord;
    vec2 uv = SineWave( p );
    vec4 tcolor = texture2D(s_baseMap, uv);
    gl_FragColor = tcolor;



So the question is how to warp the wave on a specific direction?




update:I distort x axis when compute y, but the result seems not right.

float x = p.x + p.y*tan( -0.5);
float y = sin( w*x + t) * A;
return vec2(p.x, p.y+y);



OK I tried to recreate your effect so I used this as texture:

我拍摄了您的图像并将其大小调整为,所以它是2的幂,用黑色填充边框.由于您不共享Vertex着色器,因此我创建了自己的着色器. GL 正在渲染没有纹理坐标的单一四边形<-1,+1>或仅将 2D 纹理绑定到单元0的矩阵glVertex2f().我稍微重写您的片段以匹配输出.另外,我添加了tx,ty制服,以轻松地用鼠标位置为效果设置动画效果.<0,1>这是着色器的第一个顶点:

I took your image and resize it to 512x512 so it is power of 2 fill the border with black. As you do not share Vertex shader I created my own. The GL is rendering single quad <-1,+1> without texture coordinates or matrices only glVertex2f() with single 2D texture binded to unit 0. I slightly rewrite your fragment to match the output. Also I added tx,ty uniforms to easily animate the effect with mouse position <0,1> Here are the shaders first vertex:

// Vertex
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
void main()


// Fragment
varying vec2 v_texCoord;        // holds the Vertex position <-1,+1> !!!
uniform sampler2D s_baseMap;    // used texture unit
uniform float tx,ty;            // x,y waves phase

vec2 SineWave( vec2 p )
    // convert Vertex position <-1,+1> to texture coordinate <0,1> and some shrinking so the effect dont overlap screen
    p.x=( 0.55*p.x)+0.5;
    // wave distortion
    float x = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x + 6.28*tx) * 0.05;
    float y = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x + 6.28*ty) * 0.05;
    return vec2(p.x+x, p.y+y);

void main()
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_baseMap,SineWave(v_texCoord));


This is output for tx=0.3477,ty=0.7812 which visually more or less matches your example:


As you can see I added few terms into the sin waves so it got also skew distortion.


If you have the v_texCoord already in range <0,1> then ignore the

    p.x=( 0.55*p.x)+0.5;


or rewrite it to (so the shrink and coefficients stay as should)



If you use different texture (not mine) then you need to rescale all the coefficients.



float x = sin( 10.0*p.y) * 0.15;
float y = sin( 10.0*p.x) * 0.15;


The 0.15 is wave amplitude which seems to be too big so I lower it to 0.05. Then 10.0 is frequency the bigger the number the more waves along axis will be. By pure trial&error I determine they should be 30.0 for y axis and 25.0 for x axis so the number of waves matches your desired output.

float x = sin( 25.0*p.y) * 0.05;
float y = sin( 30.0*p.x) * 0.05;


After this I spotted that the waves should be a bit skewed so I add dependency on the other axis too after some tweaking found out this equation:

float x = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x) * 0.05;
float y = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x) * 0.05;

轴之间的两个系数都相同(这很奇怪,但是我期望我在轴之间需要具有不同的系数).之后,只需找到每个轴的正确相位即可,因此我添加了受鼠标位置(tx,ty) <0.0,1.0>控制的相移,因此得到了最终结果:

where both coefficients are the same in between axises (weird but working I was expecting I would need to have different coefficients between axises). After this is just a matter of finding the correct phase for each axis so I add phase shift controlled by mouse position (tx,ty) <0.0,1.0> so I got the final:

float x = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x + 6.28*tx) * 0.05;
float y = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x + 6.28*ty) * 0.05;


Then I play with mouse (printing its position) until I got close enough to match your desired output which was when tx=0.3477,ty=0.7812 so you can hard-code

float x = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x + 6.28*0.3477) * 0.05;
float y = sin( 25.0*p.y + 30.0*p.x + 6.28*0.7812) * 0.05;


07-23 04:13