

我想找到的MIME类型从code-隐藏文件的IIS ASP.NET web服务器上的特定文件扩展名。

i want to find the mime-type for a given file extension on an IIS ASP.NET web-server from the code-behind file.


i want to search the same list that the server itself uses when serving up a file. This means that any mime types a web-server administrator has added to the Mime Map will be included.


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type

但没有记录为相同的列表IIS使用,也不是记录,其中的 MIME映射的存储。

我可以叫盲目 FindMimeFromData ,但不记录为同一列表IIS使用,我也不能保证IIS的 MIME映射的也将被从该调用返回。

i could blindly call FindMimeFromData, but that isn't documented as being the same list IIS uses, nor can i guarantee that the IIS Mime Map will also be returned from that call.



Here's one I made earlier:

public static string GetMimeTypeFromExtension(string extension)
    using (DirectoryEntry mimeMap =
           new DirectoryEntry("IIS://Localhost/MimeMap"))
    	PropertyValueCollection propValues = mimeMap.Properties["MimeMap"];

    	foreach (object value in propValues)
    		IISOle.IISMimeType mimeType = (IISOle.IISMimeType)value;

    		if (extension == mimeType.Extension)
    			return mimeType.MimeType;

    	return null;


添加引用的System.DirectoryServices 和COM选项卡下的活动DS IIS命名空间提供商的参考。扩展需要有前导点,即。FLV

Add a reference to System.DirectoryServices and a reference to Active DS IIS Namespace Provider under the COM tab. The extension needs to have the leading dot, i.e. .flv.

