我正在团队环境中开发一个大型应用程序.我们使用 Team Foundation Server 来控制 VS2010 的源代码.我们使用 LAN 连接 TFS,这在小型办公室中效果很好,但现在我们需要通过 Internet 连接 TFS.
I am working on a large application in team environment. We use to Team Foundation Server to control source code with VS2010.We are using LAN to connect TFS which works great in an small office but now we need to connect TFS through Internet.
实际上我想知道的是,我们有许多开发人员,他们居住在世界各地的不同地点.我们想通过互联网(如局域网)直接在 TFS 服务器中下载工作.我们还将连接从事此应用程序并希望并行连接这两种用户的 LAN 用户.
What actually I want to know that we have many developers they reside in different location worldwide. We want to download there work directly in the TFS server through Internet like LAN. We will have also connect LAN users who work on this application and want to connect both kind of users parallel.
注意:我们不想使用 VPN.
有没有可能在 TFS 中做这种工作?任何帮助将不胜感激.
Is there any possibility to do this kind of work in TFS? Any Help will be appreciated.
您绝对可以通过 Internet 公开 TFS.TFS 基本上是一组托管在 IIS 中的 Web 服务,只需让您的服务器在 Internet 上可见即可.
You can definately expose TFS over the internet. TFS is basically a set of web services hosted in IIS, just make your server internet-visible and you're set.
There are some security best practices you probably want to consider though:
1) 您应该在 IIS 中配置 SSL 证书并使用 HTTPS 连接到 TFS(在 VS 中连接时的一个选项).
1) You should configure an SSL cert in IIS and connect to TFS using HTTPS (an option when connecting in VS).
2) 您应该将 SQL Server 数据库放置在不直接暴露于 Internet(但对应用程序层服务器可见)的单独计算机上.SSRS 应该驻留在 AT 服务器上,DB 和 SSAS 应该驻留在数据层服务器上.
2) You should place your SQL Server database on a separate machine that is not directly exposed to the internet (but is visible to the Application Tier server). SSRS should reside on the AT server, the DB and SSAS should be on the Data Tier server.
这篇关于如何通过 Internet 连接 TFS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!