我正在使用 Visual Studio 2008,c# winform...我想将主表单上的标签文本更改为在第二个表单的文本框中输入的文本并存储它意味着当我重新执行我的应用程序时它显示更新的名称实际上我正在尝试为我的游戏制作最佳评分系统...谁能指导我...谢谢.
i am using visual studio 2008,c# winform. . .i want to change label's text on main form to the text entered on 2nd form's textbox and store it means when i re-execute my application it shows updated name actually i am trying to make best score system for my game. . .can anyone plz guide me.. .Thank you.
windows 应用中有很多方法可以在表单之间传递数据..
There are so many methods to pass data between forms in windows application..
Using constructor
Using objects
Using properties
Using delegates
在此处查看 PassingData 和 这个