


I'm mostly convinced of the benefits of unit testing, and I would like to start applying the concept to a large existing codebase written in PHP. Less than 10% of this code is object-oriented.


I've looked at several unit testing frameworks (PHPUnit, SimpleTest, and phpt). However, I haven't found examples for any of these that test procedural code. What's the best framework for my situation and are there any examples of unit testing PHP using non-OOP code?



You can unit-test procedural PHP, no problem. And you're definitely not out of luck if your code is mixed in with HTML.

在应用程序或验收测试级别,您的过程PHP可能取决于超全局变量($_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE等)的值来确定行为,最后以包含模板文件并吐出输出为结束.

At the application or acceptance test level, your procedural PHP probably depends on the value of the superglobals ($_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, etc.) to determine behavior, and ends by including a template file and spitting out the output.

要进行应用程序级测试,您只需设置超全局值即可;启动输出缓冲区(以防止一堆html淹没您的屏幕);呼叫页面;断言缓冲区中的内容;并在最后丢弃缓冲区. 因此,您可以执行以下操作:

To do application-level testing, you can just set the superglobal values; start an output buffer (to keep a bunch of html from flooding your screen); call the page; assert against stuff inside the buffer; and trash the buffer at the end. So, you could do something like this:

public function setUp()
    if (isset($_POST['foo'])) {

public function testSomeKindOfAcceptanceTest()
    $_POST['foo'] = 'bar';
    $output = ob_get_flush();
    $this->assertContains($someExpectedString, $output);


Even for enormous "frameworks" with lots of includes, this kind of testing will tell you if you have application-level features working or not. This is going to be really important as you start improving your code, because even if you're convinced that the database connector still works and looks better than before, you'll want to click a button and see that, yes, you can still login and logout through the database.


At lower levels, there are minor variations depending on variable scope and whether functions work by side-effects (returning true or false), or return the result directly.

变量是否作为函数之间的参数或参数数组显式传递?还是将变量设置在许多不同的地方,然后隐式地作为全局变量传递?如果是(好的)显式情况,则可以通过以下方式对功能进行单元测试:(1)包括保存该功能的文件,然后(2)直接提供功能测试值,以及(3)捕获输出并对其断言.如果您使用的是全局变量,则只需格外小心(如上所述,在$ _POST示例中),以谨慎地消除测试之间的所有全局变量.在处理推入和拉入大量globals的函数时,使测试保持很小(5-10行,1-2断言)也特别有用.

Are variables passed around explicitly, as parameters or arrays of parameters between functions? Or are variables set in many different places, and passed implicitly as globals? If it's the (good) explicit case, you can unit test a function by (1) including the file holding the function, then (2) feeding the function test values directly, and (3) capturing the output and asserting against it. If you're using globals, you just have to be extra careful (as above, in the $_POST example) to carefully null out all the globals between tests. It's also especially helpful to keep tests very small (5-10 lines, 1-2 asserts) when dealing with a function that pushes and pulls lots of globals.


Another basic issue is whether the functions work by returning the output, or by altering the params passed in, returning true/false instead. In the first case, testing is easier, but again, it's possible in both cases:

// assuming you required the file of interest at the top of the test file
public function testShouldConcatenateTwoStringsAndReturnResult()
  $stringOne = 'foo';
  $stringTwo = 'bar';
  $expectedOutput = 'foobar';
  $output = myCustomCatFunction($stringOne, $stringTwo);
  $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, $output);


In the bad case, where your code works by side-effects and returns true or false, you still can test pretty easily:

/* suppose your cat function stupidly
 * overwrites the first parameter
 * with the result of concatenation,
 * as an admittedly contrived example
public function testShouldConcatenateTwoStringsAndReturnTrue()
      $stringOne = 'foo';
      $stringTwo = 'bar';
      $expectedOutput = 'foobar';
      $output = myCustomCatFunction($stringOne, $stringTwo);
      $this->Equals($expectedOutput, $stringOne);



08-26 08:03