如果此问题重复,请纠正我.关于 node.js,我使用 socket.io 进行从客户端应用程序到服务器应用程序的实时套接字连接.我刚刚听说engine.io,engine.io 是socket.io 的替代品吗?我在 engine.io 网站上找不到任何有用的信息
Please correct me if this question is a duplicate.Regarding node.js, I'm using socket.io for real-time socket connection from the client application to the server application.I just heard about engine.io, is engine.io a replacement for socket.io?I could not find any useful information on engine.io website
engine.io 是比 socket.io 低级的库.
engine.io is a lower level library than socket.io.
Engine 之于 Socket.IO 就像 Connect 之于 Express.
如果您想要较低级别的抽象,请使用 engine.io.如果你想要一个 websocket 抽象,继续使用 socket.io.
If you want the lower level abstraction, use engine.io. If you want a websocket abstraction, keep using socket.io.
如果您在 socket.io 之上构建库/框架,那么您对 engine.io 更感兴趣.
engine.io is of more interest to you if you're building a library/framework on top of socket.io.
如果您在 socket.io 之上构建应用程序,那么您对 socket.io 更感兴趣.
socket.io is of more interest to you if you're building an application on top of socket.io.
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