我使用的是 Xcode 4.2,但我的崩溃日志没有得到符号化.如何在 Xcode 4.2 中启用此功能?
I am using Xcode 4.2 and my crash logs are not getting symbolicated. How to enable this in Xcode 4.2?
请浏览Apple 文档了解更多详情.
上面的 Apple 链接包含对我在崩溃报告设置图像中显示的内容以及如何使用崩溃报告来符号化十六进制值的说明.
The above Apple's Link contains explanation of what I am displaying in crash reports settings image and how to use crash report to symolicate the hexadecimal values.
Now the following things you should take care to generate crash report while building your application.
在 xcode 项目导航器中单击您的项目,然后单击构建设置.当您归档应用程序时,xcode 默认使用发布配置,您需要仅为发布配置设置以下值..
In xcode project navigator click on your project and then click on the Build Settings. When you archive your application, xcode uses the release Configuration by default, you will want to set the following values for the Release Configuration only..
Ensure the following values are set for Release Configuration.
Once these values are set, Archive and reinstall your application.Now crash reports are generated from the resulting archive should be symbolicated.
这是专门针对 xcode 4 的.
This is specifically for xcode 4.
这篇关于在 Xcode 4.2 中启用崩溃日志符号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!