我正在研究真正了解内存分配在 JVM 中是如何工作的.我正在编写一个应用程序,其中出现内存不足:堆空间异常.
I'm looking into really understanding how memory allocation works in the JVM.I'm writing an application in which I'm getting Out of Memory: Heap Space exceptions.
我知道我可以传入诸如 Xms 和 Xmx 之类的 VM 参数来增加 JVM 为正在运行的进程分配的堆空间.这是该问题的一种可能解决方案,或者我可以检查我的代码是否存在内存泄漏并在那里解决问题.
I understand that I can pass in VM arguments such as Xms and Xmx to up the heap space that the JVM allocates for the running process. This is one possible solution to the problem, or I can inspect my code for memory leaks and fix the issue there.
1) JVM 实际上是如何为自己分配内存的?这与操作系统如何将可用内存通信给 JVM 有什么关系?或者更一般地说,任何进程的内存分配实际上是如何工作的?
1) How does the JVM actually allocate memory for itself? How does this relate to how the OS communicates available memory to the JVM? Or more generally, how does memory allocation for any process actually work?
2) 虚拟内存是如何发挥作用的?假设您有一个具有 32GB 物理内存的系统,并且您将所有 32GB 分配给您的 Java 进程.假设您的进程实际上消耗了全部 32GB 内存,我们如何强制该进程使用虚拟内存而不是遇到 OOM 异常?
2) How does virtual memory come into play? Let's say you have a system with 32GB of physical memory and you allocate all 32GB to your Java process. Let's say that your process actually consumes all 32GB of memory, how can we enforce the process to use virtual memory instead of running into OOM exceptions?
For the heap it allocate one large continuous region of memory of the maximum size. Initially this is virtual memory however, over time it becomes real memory for the portions which are used, under control of the OS
这与操作系统如何将可用内存通信给 JVM 有什么关系?
JVM 不知道操作系统中的空闲内存.
The JVM has no idea about free memory in the OS.
通常它使用 malloc 和 free.
In general it uses malloc and free.
Initially virtual memory is allocated and this turns into real memory as used. This is normal for any process.
假设您有一个具有 32GB 物理内存的系统,并且您将所有 32GB 分配给您的 Java 进程.
你不能.操作系统需要一些内存,并且会有用于其他目的的内存.即使在 JVM 中,堆也只是所用内存的一部分.如果您有 32 GB 的内存,我建议最大为 24 GB 堆.
You can't. The OS need some memory and there will be memory for other purposes. Even within the JVM the heap is only a portion of the memory used. If you have 32 GB of memory I suggest as 24 GB heap max.
假设您的进程实际上消耗了全部 32GB 内存,
假设您有 48 GB,并且您启动了一个使用 32 GB 主内存的进程.
Say you have 48 GB and you start a process which uses 32 GB of main memory.
我们如何强制进程使用虚拟内存而不是遇到 OOM 异常?
The application uses virtual memory right from the start. You cannot make the heap too large because if it starts swapping your machine (not just your application) will become unusable.
小心地使用堆外内存,您可以使用比物理内存更多的内存.但是托管内存必须在物理内存中,因此如果您需要 32 GB 的堆,请购买 64 GB 的主内存.
You can use more memory than you have physical by using off heap memory, carefully. However managed memory must be in physical memory so if you need a 32 GB heap, buy 64 GB of main memory.
这篇关于了解 JVM 内存分配和 Java 内存不足:堆空间的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!