

此问题已经有一个答案,但我正在使用CLion 1.2.1版和该帖子中的答案无济于事。是否可以在gnome终端而不是其自己的控制台中运行CLion程序?如果是,怎么办?谢谢。

This question already has an answer here but I am using CLion version 1.2.1 and the answer in that post doesn't help. It is possible to run a CLion program in gnome terminal instead of its own console ? If yes, how ? Thanks.


EDIT : I know where the executable file are stored but want to know if it is possible to run the file in terminal directly from the ide i.e. by selecting the run option in ide.


是的,您可以从IDE在gnome终端中执行Clion c / c ++程序。方法如下:

Yes, you can execute a Clion c/c++ program in a gnome terminal from the IDE. Here is how:

  1. 在clion应用程序的右上角,您应该看到项目名称或 Build All。单击该按钮,然后转到编辑配置

  2. 单击加号(左上角),然后单击应用程序

  3. 现在开始到可执行文件:,然后单击选择其他。在那里,您应该转到gnome-terminal的存储位置(我的文件位于ubuntu上的 / usr / bin / gnome-terminal)。

  4. 下一步转到 Program arguments:并输入 -e ./myProjectName (对于较新版本的gnome-terminal -e ,已弃用,请使用-./myProjectName

  5. 转到工作目录:,然后输入在以下位置找到的cmake-build-debug文件夹的位置您的项目文件夹

  1. In the top right of your clion application you should see your project name or "Build All". Click on that and go to "edit configurations"
  2. there click on the plus sign(top left) and then on "Application"
  3. Now go to "Executable:" and click on "select others". There you should go to where your gnome-terminal is stored (mine is at "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal" on ubuntu)
  4. Next go to "Program arguments:" and type -e ./myProjectName (For newer versions of gnome-terminal -e is deprecated, use -- ./myProjectName)
  5. go to "Working Directory:" and type in the location to your cmake-build-debug folder found in your project folder


You can now press okay and go to the top right to select the name of your application that you created in step 2


This will run your program in the gnome terminal.



08-04 00:07