我正在为ASP.net MVC-5项目工作,我是一个初学者.到目前为止,我已经了解MVC的基础知识,并且能够显示页面,进行发布和获取请求.但是我遇到一个问题,我会收到"504网关超时错误",并且我需要实现一个功能,如果客户端遇到"504网关超时错误",我应该能够显示一个特定的页面,例如出问题了"而不是标准错误.下面是我的工作.
I am working to ASP.net MVC-5 project and I am a beginner. As of now I know the basics of MVC and able to display pages and make post and get request. But I am stuck with one issue where I get "504 gateway time out error" and I need to implement one functionality where if the client gets `504 gateway timeout error" I should be able to show a particular page like "Something is wrong" instead of standard error. To start with below is what I did.
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.1" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<customErrors mode="On" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
But what else I need to change or add. Can someone guide me here. I am lost.
如果您的ASP.NET MVC应用程序由IIS(或其他代理服务器)托管,则IIS将返回504错误并将其发送到浏览器,因为您的应用程序未及时响应请求. IIS有一个超时(可为每个网站配置),如果超时,则返回504.
If your ASP.NET MVC application is hosted by the IIS (or another proxy server), then the 504 error is returned by the IIS and sent to the browser, because your application does not respond to the request in a timely manner. The IIS has got a timeout (configurable for each web site) and if this is reached, then 504 is returned.
In this scenario you cannot define a custom error page inside your application, because it is not reacting.
You can configure the IIS to server custom error pages. This video tutorial shows how to do this.