< entry-point class =webapp.client.WebAppEntryPoint>
< when-property-is name =formfactorvalue =desktop/>
< / entry-point>
< entry-point class =webapp.client.MobileAppEntryPoint>
< when-property-is name =formfactorvalue =mobile/>
< / entry-point>
< entry-point class =webapp.client.AbstractEntryPoint/>
< replace-with class =webapp.client.WebAppEntryPoint>
< when-type-is class =webapp.client.AbstractEntryPoint/>
< when-property-is name =formfactorvalue =desktop/>
< / replace-with>
< replace-with class =webapp.client.MobileAppEntryPoint>
< when-type-is class =webapp.client.AbstractEntryPoint/>
< when-property-is name =formfactorvalue =mobile/>
< / replace-with>
Im looking to load a different user interface in my GWT application if the user is accessing from a mobile web browser or desktop web browser. I was wondering how I would edit my Application.gwt.xml file change which entry point class is loaded based on the the form factor. I thought it might be something along these lines but i'm kind of just hacking so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas?
<entry-point class="webapp.client.WebAppEntryPoint">
<when-property-is name="formfactor" value="desktop"/>
<entry-point class="webapp.client.MobileAppEntryPoint">
<when-property-is name="formfactor" value="mobile"/>
Okay, thanks to everyone who replied. I used a little bit of everyones answer to get to the solution! Firstly I followed SSRs and had a look at the example FormFactor.gwt.xml file. I copied this into my project and referred to it in my App.gwt.xml file. I then followed Colins and added the following code to my App.gwt.xml file in order to load a different EntryPoint based upon form factor:
<entry-point class="webapp.client.AbstractEntryPoint" />
<replace-with class="webapp.client.WebAppEntryPoint">
<when-type-is class="webapp.client.AbstractEntryPoint" />
<when-property-is name="formfactor" value="desktop"/>
<replace-with class="webapp.client.MobileAppEntryPoint">
<when-type-is class="webapp.client.AbstractEntryPoint" />
<when-property-is name="formfactor" value="mobile"/>