


I try to find which MIME type corresponds to the each extension and I get ambiguous results.

根据 webdesign.about.com exe的正确MIME是:application/octet-stream

According to webdesign.about.com the correct MIME for exe is: application/octet-stream

根据 freeformatter.com exe的正确MIME是:application/x-msdownload,并说application/octet-streambin扩展名的MIME.

According to freeformatter.com the correct MIME for exe is: application/x-msdownload and it says that application/octet-stream is MIME for bin extension.

根据 iana.org 的正确MIME exe(或名为vnd.microsoft.portable-executable的东西,因为我在那儿看不到exe)是:application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable

According to iana.org the correct MIME for exe (or something called vnd.microsoft.portable-executable as I don't see exe there) is: application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable


Which website is the most accurate because I don't know what kind of content type value I should expect on the server site in the HTTP header.


application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable 是已注册的MIME类型,其描述与您要使用的MIME类型相匹配.

application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable is a registered MIME type and its description matches what you want to use it for.


The x- prefix in application/x-msdownload indicates that it is experimental so it should generally be avoided: Especially if something standard is available as it in in this case.

application/octet-stream 用于收集个字节.它确实匹配可执行文件,但不像application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable那样具体.

application/octet-stream is for arbitary collections of bytes. It does match an executable file, but it isn't as specific as application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable.

使用application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable .


07-18 02:44