

我听说有传言说Spring XD失去了开发动力,并将重点放在Spring向云服务的转变上.由于我正在考虑XD(我认为的另一项目标是Apache Beam,虽然还不够成熟,恕我直言),所以我希望获得一些有关XD未来的事实/发布计划,而不是依赖谣言.

I heared rumors that Spring XD lost development drive and focus at Spring shifts towards cloud services. Since I'm considering XD (the otehr one I consider is Apache Beam, though not yet mature enough imho), I'd like to get some facts / release plan for the future of XD instead of relying on rumors.


Spring XD主页在页面底部有一个公告:

The Spring XD homepage has an announcement at the bottom of the page:

基于 Spring Boot Spring Cloud 功能,Spring XD正在积极地重新设计为 Spring Cloud Data Flow -用于可组合消息驱动的微服务的云原生编程和操作模型.有关更多信息以及重新设计的原因,请参阅Spring Cloud Data Flow的启动博客.

Building upon Spring Boot and Spring Cloud capabilities, Spring XD is actively being redesigned as Spring Cloud Data Flow - a cloud native programming and operating model for composable message-driven microservices. For more information and the reasons behind this redesign, please refer to Spring Cloud Data Flow's launch blog.

Spring XD的1.3 GA将是1.x系列中的最后一个版本,而在此版本中,1.x将正式处于维护模式,仅解决错误修复.

Spring XD's 1.3 GA will be the last release in the 1.x line and with this release, 1.x will be officially in maintenance mode, addressing only bug fixes.


10-11 09:24