


我正在开发一个使用.Net Webbrowser控件的形式来呈现Flash内容的应用程序. 32位应用程序(使用x86选项构建)可以在Win7 32位OS上正常运行(可以很好地加载Flash内容).

但是,如果我运行相同应用程序的相同64位版本(使用x64选项构建),则不会加载Flash,并显示消息您需要升级Adobe Flash Player ...".

据我了解,这样做的原因是无法使用64位Flash Player.我从Adobe网站下载了64位Flash Player 11 Beta,并且64位应用程序运行良好.但我不想使用此Beta版本.

是64位应用程序(使用x64选项构建)使用64位Web浏览器控件,而32位应用程序(使用x86选项构建)使用32位Web浏览器控件吗?如果是,那么我可以在我的64位应用程序(使用x64选项构建)中显式使用32位Web浏览器控件,以便它使用32位Flash Player吗?可能吗?我不知道如何在64位应用程序中显式创建32位Web浏览器控件.有任何指针吗?

一种选择或解决方法是在64位OS上使用32位Flash Player和32位应用程序.但是我想在64位操作系统上使用64位应用程序,但要与使用32位Flash Player的32位Web浏览器控件一起运行.


Hi All,

I am working on an application which uses a .Net webbrowser control in a form to render flash contents. The 32bit application (built with x86 option) works fine (loads the flash content fine) on Win7 32bit OS.

However if I run the same 64bit version of the same application (built with x64 option), the flash doesn''t load and shows as message "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player...".

The reason for this (as far as I understand) is the non-availability of 64-bit flash player. I downloaded the 64-bit flash player 11 beta from Adobe website and the 64bit application worked fine. But I don''t want to use this beta version.

Is it that, 64bit webbrowser control is used by the 64bit application (built with x64 option) and 32bit webbrowser control is used by the 32bit application (built with x86 option)? If yes, then can I explicitly use 32bit webbrowser control in my 64bit application (built with x64 option) so that it uses the 32bit flash player? Is it possible? I don''t know how to explicitly create a 32bit webbrowser control within 64bit application. Any pointers for this?
Please correct me if I am wrong.

One option or workaround is to use the 32bit flash player and 32bit application on 64bit OS. But I want to use the 64bit application on 64bit OS but running with 32bit webbrowser control which uses 32bit flash player.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.



08-19 16:27