


I have been trying to create a new google custom search engine, but when I try some query,the search engine it is not giving me the expected searchresult.On some queries it is working fine, but on other queries, it says"no result".

我尝试添加我想搜索的网站的 URL,但是当我尝试搜索该页面的关键字时,搜索结果中没有出现某些页面和关键字.我厌倦了添加主页 URL 和要搜索的子页面的 URL,但没有任何效果.搜索结果中有一些主 URL 的子页面.

I tried adding the URL of the website that I wanted to search for, but there are certain pages and keywords that are not coming up in the search result when I try to search for the keyword of that page.I tired adding both the main page URL and the URL of the sub page that I want to search for, but nothing is working.There are some sub pages to the main URL that are coming in the search result.


这也发生在我身上.这是因为您指定给 google 的 url 必须与存储您网站的服务器地址相匹配.例如,我用谷歌自定义搜索(mainstreetbd.com)制作了一个网站,当我在我的服务器上测试它时,谷歌搜索没有返回结果.但是当我在指定的 url 上执行时,它工作正常.

this happened to me too. It is because the url you specify to google has to match the server address where your site is stored. For example, I made a site with google custom search (mainstreetbd.com) and when I tested it on my server, the google search returned no results. But when I did it on the specified url, it works fine.


08-04 10:38