

我开始使用C ++,并且来自C和Java.我知道在C语言中强烈建议在标头中编写变量/类型/函数声明,并在源代码中编写变量/类型/函数定义.因此,当我开始使用C ++进行编码时,我也想遵循相同的约定.

I'm starting to work with C++ and I come from C and Java. I know that in C is strongly advisable to write variable/types/function declarations in the header and variable/types/function definitions in the source code; so when I started coding in C++ I thought to adhere to the same convention as well.

不幸的是,在C ++中,该规则有几个例外:

Unluckly for me, in C++ there are several exceptions to this rule, among the others:

  • 模板类;
  • 内联函数;
  • constexpr函数;

这使我对文件有些困惑:它们中的大多数是带有 *.cpp 文件的标头,其中包含很少的中/大型成员函数.

This lead me to some confusion in the files: most of them are headers with *.cpp files containing few medium/big member functions.


So my question is: assuming to code only with classes, not with plain C, why can't I just put everything in the header and have no cpp files? (sort of Java style); to clarify: I will mostly have to deal with classes, template classes, at most template functions.

例如在 Foo.hpp 中:

class Foo {
 foo() {
 bar() {

而不是在 *.hpp *.cpp 之间进行分隔:

instead of having the division between *.hpp and *.cpp:

//file Foo.hpp
class Foo {

//file Foo.cpp
Foo::foo() {
Foo::bar() {

当然会在.* cpp 中放入诸如静态全局变量之类的东西,但是据我所知,它们是唯一需要放入cpps中的东西(并且强烈建议不要使用它们.

Of course something like static global variables will be put in .*cpp, but for my understanding they are the only thing that is required to be put in cpps (and their use is strongly discouraged as well).

能否请您告诉我这种方法的弱点是什么?作为C ++的初学者,我肯定会忽略一些重要因素.在我幼稚的观点中,cpp文件中不需要任何内容​​(假设我当然仅使用类进行编码).

Can you please tell me what are the weaknesses of this approach? Being a beginner in C++ I'm sure to have ignore some important factor. In my naive view, there is nothing that requires to be in the cpp files (assuming that I'm coding only with classes of course).




Well, you must have at least one source file, or else you have nothing to compile.


But, to answer, why shouldn't you put everything in a single source file: Because the size of that source file increases linearly to the size of the entire program (splitting into header files does not reduce the size. What is relevant is the size after pre-processing). And therefore (re-)compiling it becomes increasingly slower, and any change to any part of that source file (i.e. any part of the entire program, also the headers that are included) requires you to re-compile that source file (i.e. the entire program) again.

如果将程序拆分为多个源文件,则仅需要重新编译那些已修改的源文件.对于大型项目,这可以将编译时间减少到一分钟,这对于典型的工作流程为编辑->编译->调试->编辑->编译-> ..."是一个福音.

If you split the program into multiple source files, only those source files which are modified need to be re-compiled. For big projects, this can reduce an hour of compilation to a minute, which is a boon when the typical workflow is "edit -> compile -> debug -> edit -> compile -> ...".


Dynamic linking can further this advantage: You can simply replace a dynamic library even without re-linking (as long as the new version is ABI compatible).


For fairness, let me also answer why should you put everything in a single source file: Because it reduces the compilation time from scratch. If your workflow doesn't work with incremental re-builds, then reducing the full compilation time a bit is better than nothing. And because it allows better optimization, because a compiler cannot do inline expansion across source files (link time optimization may reduce this advantage, if you can rely on it being available).


Ideal solution is probably neither to define all functions in a single massive source file, nor is it ideal to define all functions in separate source files each. Ideal option is probably somewhere in between.


A typical convention is to have a single source file for member functions of each class, but there is no absolute reason why this convention should be followed. It is completely fine to define member functions of multiple classes in a single source file, and also fine to divide definitions member functions of one class into separate files, as long as you have an argument for doing so.


This is not a strong argument compared to compile time considerations. Development environments are available (even for free, and have been for decades) which allow you to jump to the definition of a function declaration (or invocation) in a fraction of a second.


09-05 16:19