


 模板< typename charT,typename traits = std :: char_traits< charT> ;> 
class lazy_basic_string
class char_proxy
char_proxy& operator =(charT ch);

char_proxy operator [](size_type i);


 模板< typename charT,typename traits> 
using char_proxy = typename lazy_basic_string< charT,traits> :: char_proxy;

template< typename charT,typename traits>
char_proxy< charT,traits>& char_proxy< charT,traits> :: operator =(charT ch)


为什么编译器不能使用快捷方式char_proxy而不是lazy_basic_string :: char_proxy?


应由该标准明确规定。我最近似乎得到的是 [temp.class]



 模板< class T> struct S {void f(); }; 
template< class T>使用s_t = std :: conditional_t< sizeof(T)%8 == 0,
S< T>,S< T *>
template< class T> void s_t< T> :: f(){}

int main(){S< int> s; s.f(); } // defined?有趣的是,clang(3.7)允许在类模板成员定义中使用别名模板,但是可以使用别名模板。只有在它是一个直接的身份计算:

  template< class> struct T {void f(); }; 
template< class C>使用id_t = C;
template< class C>使用t_t = T< id_t C> ;;
template< class C> void t_t< C> :: f(){} // OK?

I am writing custom lazy string class.

template <typename charT, typename traits = std::char_traits<charT>>
class lazy_basic_string
    class char_proxy
        char_proxy& operator=(charT ch);

    char_proxy operator[](size_type i);

Then i want to define these methods outside of class declaration.

template <typename charT, typename traits>
using char_proxy = typename lazy_basic_string<charT, traits>::char_proxy;

template <typename charT, typename traits>
char_proxy<charT, traits>& char_proxy<charT, traits>::operator=(charT ch)

But i got compile error:

So i can't figure out what's problem here.Why compiler can't use shortcut char_proxy instead of lazy_basic_string::char_proxy ?


This doesn't seem to be particularly well-specified by the Standard. The closest I can appear to get is [temp.class]:

This implies, though does not exactly state, that an out-of-line class template member definition should refer to the class template by its name, and not via an alias template.

It should be reasonably easy to see why this is necessary; as an alias template can result in an arbitrarily complex computation, in order to match a use of a class template member against a potential definition the compiler would have to perform that computation on every possible combination of alias template parameters:

template<class T> struct S { void f(); };
template<class T> using s_t = std::conditional_t<sizeof(T) % 8 == 0,
    S<T>, S<T*>>;
template<class T> void s_t<T>::f() {}

int main() { S<int> s; s.f(); }    // defined?

Interestingly, clang (3.7) allows the use of an alias template in a class template member definition, but only where it is a straight identity calculation:

template<class> struct T { void f(); };
template<class C> using id_t = C;
template<class C> using t_t = T<id_t<C>>;
template<class C> void t_t<C>::f() {}    // OK??


08-04 02:25